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Show Text 🐍


  • Class name: ShowText_pysssss
  • Category: utils
  • Output node: True

The ShowText node is designed to display text within a workflow, allowing for dynamic updates to UI elements based on input text. It can also modify widget values within the workflow if provided with specific metadata, enhancing interactive capabilities.

Input types


  • text
    • The primary text to be displayed or processed. This input is essential for the node's operation, serving as the main content for display or further action.
    • Comfy dtype: STRING
    • Python dtype: str

Output types

  • string
    • Comfy dtype: STRING
    • unknown
    • Python dtype: unknown
  • ui
    • The UI representation of the text to be displayed, encapsulating the text in a format suitable for UI rendering.

Usage tips

Source code

class ShowText:
    def INPUT_TYPES(s):
        return {
            "required": {
                "text": ("STRING", {"forceInput": True}),
            "hidden": {
                "unique_id": "UNIQUE_ID",
                "extra_pnginfo": "EXTRA_PNGINFO",

    INPUT_IS_LIST = True
    FUNCTION = "notify"
    OUTPUT_NODE = True
    OUTPUT_IS_LIST = (True,)

    CATEGORY = "utils"

    def notify(self, text, unique_id=None, extra_pnginfo=None):
        if unique_id is not None and extra_pnginfo is not None:
            if not isinstance(extra_pnginfo, list):
                print("Error: extra_pnginfo is not a list")
            elif (
                not isinstance(extra_pnginfo[0], dict)
                or "workflow" not in extra_pnginfo[0]
                print("Error: extra_pnginfo[0] is not a dict or missing 'workflow' key")
                workflow = extra_pnginfo[0]["workflow"]
                node = next(
                    (x for x in workflow["nodes"] if str(x["id"]) == str(unique_id[0])),
                if node:
                    node["widgets_values"] = [text]

        return {"ui": {"text": text}, "result": (text,)}