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GITSScheduler Func Provider


  • Class name: GITSSchedulerFuncProvider
  • Category: ImpactPack/sampling
  • Output node: False

Provides a functionality to dynamically generate a noise schedule for image generation processes using the GITSScheduler. This node is designed to adjust the noise schedule based on given coefficients and denoise parameters, offering a flexible approach to controlling the diffusion process.

Input types


  • coeff
    • Specifies the coefficient factor for the GITSScheduler, influencing the overall noise schedule generation by adjusting the intensity of the applied noise.
    • Comfy dtype: FLOAT
    • Python dtype: float
  • denoise
    • Determines the amount of denoising to apply in the noise schedule, affecting the clarity and detail of the generated images.
    • Comfy dtype: FLOAT
    • Python dtype: float

Output types

  • scheduler_func
    • Comfy dtype: SCHEDULER_FUNC
    • Returns a function capable of generating a dynamic noise schedule for use in image generation processes, tailored by the specified coefficients and denoise parameters.
    • Python dtype: Callable

Usage tips

  • Infra type: CPU
  • Common nodes: unknown

Source code

class GITSSchedulerFuncProvider:
    def INPUT_TYPES(s):
        return {"required": {
                        "coeff": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.20, "min": 0.80, "max": 1.50, "step": 0.05}),
                        "denoise": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "step": 0.01}),

    TOOLTIPS = {
        "input": {
            "coeff": "coeff factor of GITS Scheduler",
            "denoise": "denoise amount for noise schedule",
        "output": ("Returns a function that generates a noise schedule using GITSScheduler. This can be used in place of a predetermined noise schedule to dynamically generate a noise schedule based on the steps.",)

    CATEGORY = "ImpactPack/sampling"

    FUNCTION = "doit"

    def doit(self, coeff, denoise):
        def f(model, sampler, steps):
            if 'GITSScheduler' not in nodes.NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS:
                raise Exception("[Impact Pack] ComfyUI is an outdated version. Cannot use GITSScheduler.")

            scheduler = nodes.NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS['GITSScheduler']()
            return scheduler.get_sigmas(coeff, steps, denoise)[0]

        return (f, )