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From SEG_ELT crop_region


  • Class name: ImpactFrom_SEG_ELT_crop_region
  • Category: ImpactPack/Util
  • Output node: False

This node is designed to extract the bounding box coordinates from a given crop region of a segmented element. It serves as a utility within the ImpactPack to facilitate operations that require precise location information of a segment within an image.

Input types


  • crop_region
    • Specifies the crop region from which to extract the bounding box coordinates. This parameter is crucial for determining the exact area of interest within the segmented element.
    • Comfy dtype: SEG_ELT_crop_region
    • Python dtype: tuple

Output types

  • left
    • Comfy dtype: INT
    • The left coordinate of the bounding box extracted from the crop region.
    • Python dtype: int
  • top
    • Comfy dtype: INT
    • The top coordinate of the bounding box extracted from the crop region.
    • Python dtype: int
  • right
    • Comfy dtype: INT
    • The right coordinate of the bounding box extracted from the crop region.
    • Python dtype: int
  • bottom
    • Comfy dtype: INT
    • The bottom coordinate of the bounding box extracted from the crop region.
    • Python dtype: int

Usage tips

  • Infra type: CPU
  • Common nodes: unknown

Source code

class From_SEG_ELT_crop_region:
    def INPUT_TYPES(s):
        return {"required": {
                     "crop_region": ("SEG_ELT_crop_region", ),

    RETURN_TYPES = ("INT", "INT", "INT", "INT")
    RETURN_NAMES = ("left", "top", "right", "bottom")

    FUNCTION = "doit"

    CATEGORY = "ImpactPack/Util"

    def doit(self, crop_region):
        return crop_region