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Make Tile SEGS


  • Class name: ImpactMakeTileSEGS
  • Category: ImpactPack/__for_testing
  • Output node: False

The ImpactMakeTileSEGS node is designed for segmenting images into tiles based on specified bounding box sizes and overlap criteria. It applies various filters to include or exclude specific segments, adjusts tile sizes and overlaps to accommodate irregular masks, and ensures that the segmentation respects the image's dimensions and the specified constraints. This node is particularly useful in scenarios where image analysis or processing needs to be localized to smaller, manageable regions within larger images.

Input types


  • images
    • Specifies the images to be segmented into tiles. This is the primary input that the node operates on, determining the scope of the segmentation process.
    • Comfy dtype: IMAGE
    • Python dtype: List[Image]
  • bbox_size
    • Specifies the size of the bounding box for each tile. It determines how large each segmented tile will be, directly affecting the granularity of the segmentation process.
    • Comfy dtype: INT
    • Python dtype: int
  • crop_factor
    • Determines the factor by which the bounding box is enlarged or reduced, affecting the size of the segmented tiles. This parameter is crucial for adjusting the coverage area of each tile, ensuring that the segmentation process can be tailored to specific analysis needs or to accommodate varying image sizes.
    • Comfy dtype: FLOAT
    • Python dtype: float
  • min_overlap
    • Defines the minimum overlap between adjacent tiles. This parameter ensures that important features are not missed at the boundaries of tiles by providing a buffer zone where tiles overlap.
    • Comfy dtype: INT
    • Python dtype: int
  • filter_segs_dilation
    • Specifies the dilation applied to the segments before filtering. This can alter the inclusion or exclusion of segments based on their expanded boundaries, directly influencing the segmentation outcome by modifying how segments are considered for tiling.
    • Comfy dtype: INT
    • Python dtype: int
  • mask_irregularity
    • Specifies the degree of irregularity allowed for masks within the tiles. This parameter helps in fine-tuning the segmentation process to either include or exclude tiles based on the irregularity of their masks, affecting the overall quality and relevance of the segmented tiles.
    • Comfy dtype: FLOAT
    • Python dtype: float
  • irregular_mask_mode
    • Determines the mode of handling irregular masks, such as ignoring, including, or exclusively focusing on irregularly shaped segments. This affects the node's execution by guiding the segmentation process to prioritize or deprioritize certain types of segments based on their shape.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: str


  • filter_in_segs_opt
    • Provides options for including specific segments based on predefined criteria. This influences the node's execution by allowing for the customization of the segmentation process to target or highlight particular features or areas within the images.
    • Comfy dtype: SEGS
    • Python dtype: Dict[str, Any]
  • filter_out_segs_opt
    • Provides options for excluding specific segments based on predefined criteria. This parameter plays a critical role in refining the output by removing unwanted segments, thereby enhancing the focus and relevance of the segmented tiles.
    • Comfy dtype: SEGS
    • Python dtype: Dict[str, Any]

Output types

  • segs
    • Comfy dtype: SEGS
    • Outputs the segmented tiles along with their corresponding segments, facilitating further processing or analysis. This output is crucial for downstream tasks that require segmented image data.
    • Python dtype: List[SEG]

Usage tips

Source code

class MakeTileSEGS:
    def INPUT_TYPES(s):
        return {"required": {
                     "images": ("IMAGE", ),
                     "bbox_size": ("INT", {"default": 512, "min": 64, "max": 4096, "step": 8}),
                     "crop_factor": ("FLOAT", {"default": 3.0, "min": 1.0, "max": 10, "step": 0.01}),
                     "min_overlap": ("INT", {"default": 5, "min": 0, "max": 512, "step": 1}),
                     "filter_segs_dilation": ("INT", {"default": 20, "min": -255, "max": 255, "step": 1}),
                     "mask_irregularity": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 1.0, "step": 0.01}),
                     "irregular_mask_mode": (["Reuse fast", "Reuse quality", "All random fast", "All random quality"],)
                "optional": {
                    "filter_in_segs_opt": ("SEGS", ),
                    "filter_out_segs_opt": ("SEGS", ),


    FUNCTION = "doit"

    CATEGORY = "ImpactPack/__for_testing"

    def doit(images, bbox_size, crop_factor, min_overlap, filter_segs_dilation, mask_irregularity=0, irregular_mask_mode="Reuse fast", filter_in_segs_opt=None, filter_out_segs_opt=None):
        if bbox_size <= 2*min_overlap:
            new_min_overlap = bbox_size / 2
            print(f"[MakeTileSEGS] min_overlap should be greater than bbox_size. (value changed: {min_overlap} => {new_min_overlap})")
            min_overlap = new_min_overlap

        _, ih, iw, _ = images.size()

        mask_cache = None
        mask_quality = 512
        if mask_irregularity > 0:
            if irregular_mask_mode == "Reuse fast":
                mask_quality = 128
                mask_cache = np.zeros((128, 128)).astype(np.float32)
                core.random_mask(mask_cache, (0, 0, 128, 128), factor=mask_irregularity, size=mask_quality)
            elif irregular_mask_mode == "Reuse quality":
                mask_quality = 512
                mask_cache = np.zeros((512, 512)).astype(np.float32)
                core.random_mask(mask_cache, (0, 0, 512, 512), factor=mask_irregularity, size=mask_quality)
            elif irregular_mask_mode == "All random fast":
                mask_quality = 512

        # compensate overlap/bbox_size for irregular mask
        if mask_irregularity > 0:
            compensate = max(6, int(mask_quality * mask_irregularity / 4))
            min_overlap += compensate
            bbox_size += compensate*2

        # create exclusion mask
        if filter_out_segs_opt is not None:
            exclusion_mask = core.segs_to_combined_mask(filter_out_segs_opt)
            exclusion_mask = utils.make_3d_mask(exclusion_mask)
            exclusion_mask = utils.resize_mask(exclusion_mask, (ih, iw))
            exclusion_mask = dilate_mask(exclusion_mask.cpu().numpy(), filter_segs_dilation)
            exclusion_mask = None

        if filter_in_segs_opt is not None:
            and_mask = core.segs_to_combined_mask(filter_in_segs_opt)
            and_mask = utils.make_3d_mask(and_mask)
            and_mask = utils.resize_mask(and_mask, (ih, iw))
            and_mask = dilate_mask(and_mask.cpu().numpy(), filter_segs_dilation)

            a, b = core.mask_to_segs(and_mask, True, 1.0, False, 0)
            if len(b) == 0:
                return ((a, b),)

            start_x, start_y, c, d = b[0].crop_region
            w = c - start_x
            h = d - start_y
            start_x = 0
            start_y = 0
            h, w = ih, iw
            and_mask = None

        # calculate tile factors
        if bbox_size > h or bbox_size > w:
            new_bbox_size = min(bbox_size, min(w, h))
            print(f"[MaskTileSEGS] bbox_size is greater than resolution (value changed: {bbox_size} => {new_bbox_size}")
            bbox_size = new_bbox_size

        n_horizontal = math.ceil(w / (bbox_size - min_overlap))
        n_vertical = math.ceil(h / (bbox_size - min_overlap))

        w_overlap_sum = (bbox_size * n_horizontal) - w
        if w_overlap_sum < 0:
            n_horizontal += 1
            w_overlap_sum = (bbox_size * n_horizontal) - w

        w_overlap_size = 0 if n_horizontal == 1 else int(w_overlap_sum/(n_horizontal-1))

        h_overlap_sum = (bbox_size * n_vertical) - h
        if h_overlap_sum < 0:
            n_vertical += 1
            h_overlap_sum = (bbox_size * n_vertical) - h

        h_overlap_size = 0 if n_vertical == 1 else int(h_overlap_sum/(n_vertical-1))

        new_segs = []

        if w_overlap_size == bbox_size:
            n_horizontal = 1

        if h_overlap_size == bbox_size:
            n_vertical = 1

        y = start_y
        for j in range(0, n_vertical):
            x = start_x
            for i in range(0, n_horizontal):
                x1 = x
                y1 = y

                if x+bbox_size < iw-1:
                    x2 = x+bbox_size
                    x2 = iw
                    x1 = iw-bbox_size

                if y+bbox_size < ih-1:
                    y2 = y+bbox_size
                    y2 = ih
                    y1 = ih-bbox_size

                bbox = x1, y1, x2, y2
                crop_region = make_crop_region(iw, ih, bbox, crop_factor)
                cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2 = crop_region

                mask = np.zeros((cy2 - cy1, cx2 - cx1)).astype(np.float32)

                rel_left = x1 - cx1
                rel_top = y1 - cy1
                rel_right = x2 - cx1
                rel_bot = y2 - cy1

                if mask_irregularity > 0:
                    if mask_cache is not None:
                        core.adaptive_mask_paste(mask, mask_cache, (rel_left, rel_top, rel_right, rel_bot))
                        core.random_mask(mask, (rel_left, rel_top, rel_right, rel_bot), factor=mask_irregularity, size=mask_quality)

                    # corner filling
                    if rel_left == 0:
                        pad = int((x2 - x1) / 8)
                        mask[rel_top:rel_bot, :pad] = 1.0

                    if rel_top == 0:
                        pad = int((y2 - y1) / 8)
                        mask[:pad, rel_left:rel_right] = 1.0

                    if rel_right == mask.shape[1]:
                        pad = int((x2 - x1) / 8)
                        mask[rel_top:rel_bot, -pad:] = 1.0

                    if rel_bot == mask.shape[0]:
                        pad = int((y2 - y1) / 8)
                        mask[-pad:, rel_left:rel_right] = 1.0
                    mask[rel_top:rel_bot, rel_left:rel_right] = 1.0

                mask = torch.tensor(mask)

                if exclusion_mask is not None:
                    exclusion_mask_cropped = exclusion_mask[cy1:cy2, cx1:cx2]
                    mask[exclusion_mask_cropped != 0] = 0.0

                if and_mask is not None:
                    and_mask_cropped = and_mask[cy1:cy2, cx1:cx2]
                    mask[and_mask_cropped == 0] = 0.0

                is_mask_zero = torch.all(mask == 0.0).item()

                if not is_mask_zero:
                    item = SEG(None, mask.numpy(), 1.0, crop_region, bbox, "", None)

                x += bbox_size - w_overlap_size
            y += bbox_size - h_overlap_size

        res = (ih, iw), new_segs  # segs
        return (res,)