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Preview Bridge (Latent)


  • Class name: PreviewBridgeLatent
  • Category: ImpactPack/Util
  • Output node: True

This node is designed to bridge the gap between various latent representations and their visual previews, adapting to different preview methods and ensuring compatibility with specific latent formats. It plays a crucial role in visualizing latent spaces by converting them into interpretable images, accommodating various generative models and preview techniques.

Input types


  • latent
    • The latent representation to be visualized. It is crucial for determining the visual output and ensuring it aligns with the selected preview method.
    • Comfy dtype: LATENT
    • Python dtype: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]
  • image
    • The image data that may be used or modified in the visualization process, depending on the preview method and the presence of a mask.
    • Comfy dtype: STRING
    • Python dtype: Optional[torch.Tensor]
  • preview_method
    • Specifies the method used for visualizing the latent representation. It affects the conversion process and the compatibility with the latent format.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: str


  • vae_opt
    • An optional parameter that allows for the specification of a variational autoencoder option, further customizing the visualization process.
    • Comfy dtype: VAE
    • Python dtype: Optional[str]

Output types

  • latent
    • Comfy dtype: LATENT
    • The processed latent representation, potentially modified or enhanced through the visualization process.
    • Python dtype: torch.Tensor
  • mask
    • Comfy dtype: MASK
    • An optional mask applied to the latent visualization, indicating areas of interest or modification.
    • Python dtype: Optional[torch.Tensor]

Usage tips

  • Infra type: CPU
  • Common nodes: unknown

Source code

class PreviewBridgeLatent:
    def INPUT_TYPES(s):
        return {"required": {
                    "latent": ("LATENT",),
                    "image": ("STRING", {"default": ""}),
                    "preview_method": (["Latent2RGB-SD3", "Latent2RGB-SDXL", "Latent2RGB-SD15",
                                        "Latent2RGB-SD-X4", "Latent2RGB-Playground-2.5",
                                        "Latent2RGB-SC-Prior", "Latent2RGB-SC-B",
                                        "TAESD3", "TAESDXL", "TAESD15"],),
                "optional": {
                    "vae_opt": ("VAE", )
                "hidden": {"unique_id": "UNIQUE_ID"},


    FUNCTION = "doit"

    OUTPUT_NODE = True

    CATEGORY = "ImpactPack/Util"

    def __init__(self):
        self.output_dir = folder_paths.get_temp_directory()
        self.type = "temp"
        self.prev_hash = None
        self.prefix_append = "_temp_" + ''.join(random.choice("abcdefghijklmnopqrstupvxyz") for x in range(5))

    def load_image(pb_id):
        is_fail = False
        if pb_id not in core.preview_bridge_image_id_map:
            is_fail = True

        image_path, ui_item = core.preview_bridge_image_id_map[pb_id]

        if not os.path.isfile(image_path):
            is_fail = True

        if not is_fail:
            i =
            i = ImageOps.exif_transpose(i)
            image = i.convert("RGB")
            image = np.array(image).astype(np.float32) / 255.0
            image = torch.from_numpy(image)[None,]

            if 'A' in i.getbands():
                mask = np.array(i.getchannel('A')).astype(np.float32) / 255.0
                mask = 1. - torch.from_numpy(mask)
                mask = None
            image = empty_pil_tensor()
            mask = None
            ui_item = {
                "filename": 'empty.png',
                "subfolder": '',
                "type": 'temp'

        return image, mask, ui_item

    def doit(self, latent, image, preview_method, vae_opt=None, unique_id=None):
        latent_channels = latent['samples'].shape[1]
        preview_method_channels = 16 if 'SD3' in preview_method or 'SC-Prior' in preview_method else 4

        if vae_opt is None and latent_channels != preview_method_channels:
            print(f"[PreviewBridgeLatent] The version of latent is not compatible with preview_method.\nSD3, SD1/SD2, SDXL, SC-Prior, and SC-B are not compatible with each other.")
            raise Exception("The version of latent is not compatible with preview_method.<BR>SD3, SD1/SD2, SDXL, SC-Prior, and SC-B are not compatible with each other.")

        need_refresh = False

        if unique_id not in core.preview_bridge_cache:
            need_refresh = True

        elif (core.preview_bridge_cache[unique_id][0] is not latent
              or (vae_opt is None and core.preview_bridge_cache[unique_id][2] is not None)
              or (vae_opt is None and core.preview_bridge_cache[unique_id][1] != preview_method)
              or (vae_opt is not None and core.preview_bridge_cache[unique_id][2] is not vae_opt)):
            need_refresh = True

        if not need_refresh:
            pixels, mask, path_item = PreviewBridge.load_image(image)

            if mask is None:
                mask = torch.ones(latent['samples'].shape[2:], dtype=torch.float32, device="cpu").unsqueeze(0)
                if 'noise_mask' in latent:
                    res_latent = latent.copy()
                    del res_latent['noise_mask']
                    res_latent = latent
                res_latent = latent.copy()
                res_latent['noise_mask'] = mask

            res_image = [path_item]
            decoded_image = decode_latent(latent, preview_method, vae_opt)

            if 'noise_mask' in latent:
                mask = latent['noise_mask'].squeeze(0)  # 4D mask -> 3D mask

                decoded_pil = to_pil(decoded_image)

                inverted_mask = 1 - mask  # invert
                resized_mask = resize_mask(inverted_mask, (decoded_image.shape[1], decoded_image.shape[2]))
                result_pil = apply_mask_alpha_to_pil(decoded_pil, resized_mask)

                full_output_folder, filename, counter, _, _ = folder_paths.get_save_image_path("PreviewBridge/PBL-"+self.prefix_append, folder_paths.get_temp_directory(), result_pil.size[0], result_pil.size[1])
                file = f"{filename}_{counter}.png"
      , file), compress_level=4)
                res_image = [{
                                'filename': file,
                                'subfolder': 'PreviewBridge',
                                'type': 'temp',
                mask = torch.ones(latent['samples'].shape[2:], dtype=torch.float32, device="cpu").unsqueeze(0)
                res = nodes.PreviewImage().save_images(decoded_image, filename_prefix="PreviewBridge/PBL-")
                res_image = res['ui']['images']

            path = os.path.join(folder_paths.get_temp_directory(), 'PreviewBridge', res_image[0]['filename'])
            core.set_previewbridge_image(unique_id, path, res_image[0])
            core.preview_bridge_image_id_map[image] = (path, res_image[0])
            core.preview_bridge_image_name_map[unique_id, path] = (image, res_image[0])
            core.preview_bridge_cache[unique_id] = (latent, preview_method, vae_opt, res_image)

            res_latent = latent

        return {
            "ui": {"images": res_image},
            "result": (res_latent, mask, ),