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Load Instance PositionNet Model


  • Class name: LoadInstancePositionNetModel
  • Category: instance/loaders
  • Output node: False

This node is designed to load the PositionNet model, a component of the instance diffusion framework, by reading a specified model file and applying necessary configurations. It facilitates the initialization of PositionNet with predefined parameters and the option to include segmentation information, thereby preparing the model for subsequent instance-based processing tasks.

Input types


  • model_filename
    • Specifies the filename of the PositionNet model to be loaded. This parameter is crucial for identifying and retrieving the correct model file from a predefined directory.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: str
  • use_segs
    • Determines whether segmentation information should be utilized in the PositionNet model configuration. This boolean flag allows for flexible adaptation of the model based on the presence of segmentation data.
    • Comfy dtype: BOOLEAN
    • Python dtype: bool

Output types

  • positionnet
    • Comfy dtype: POSITIONNET
    • The loaded PositionNet model, ready for use in instance-based processing tasks. This output encapsulates the model initialized with the specified configurations.
    • Python dtype: torch.nn.Module
  • fusers
    • Comfy dtype: FUSERS
    • The loaded fusers model, which is part of the instance diffusion framework, ready for integration with other components.
    • Python dtype: torch.nn.Module
  • scaleu
    • Comfy dtype: SCALEU
    • The loaded ScaleU model, another component of the instance diffusion framework, prepared for use in scaling and processing instances.
    • Python dtype: torch.nn.Module

Usage tips

  • Infra type: GPU
  • Common nodes: unknown

Source code

class LoadInstancePositionNetNode:
    def INPUT_TYPES(s):
        return {"required": {
            "model_filename": (get_model_list(constants.INSTANCE_POSITIONNET_DIR),),
            "use_segs": ("BOOLEAN", {"default": True}),

    FUNCTION = "load_model"

    CATEGORY = "instance/loaders"

    def load_model(self, model_filename: str, use_segs: bool):
        checkpoint = load_checkpoint(
            constants.INSTANCE_POSITIONNET_DIR, model_filename)
        params = get_positionnet_default_params()
        params["use_segs"] = use_segs
        model = prepare_positionnet(checkpoint, params)
        positionnet = {
            'model': model,
        return (positionnet,)