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ComfyUI-Marigold is a wrapper node designed for Marigold depth estimation, aimed at enhancing the accuracy of depth maps through adjustable parameters like denoise steps and n_repeat for iterative ensemble processing. It is optimized for use at around 768p resolution to balance between memory usage and processing time, and includes features for better visualization and integration with VFX/3D modeling software, such as a remap node and OpenEXR node for saving depth maps.


DepthMap * DepthMapEstimation * Face * Image * ImageSave * ImageTransformation

Repo info

  • Repo url:
  • Commit hash: 4f1a10158733d7de79345b164cf92ac7b6fde09c


  • GPL-3.0-only: LICENSE
  • GPL-3.0-only: pyproject.toml

Visit licenses page for the details