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  • Class name: SpectreImg2SMPL
  • Category: MotionDiff
  • Output node: False

The SpectreImg2SMPL node is designed to transform images into 3D models using the Spectre model, focusing on generating SMPL (Skinned Multi-Person Linear) models from input images. It processes images to detect facial landmarks, crops and normalizes the images around the face, and then utilizes these preprocessed images to generate 3D representations, including vertices and camera parameters, suitable for further 3D rendering or analysis.

Input types


  • spectre_model
    • The spectre_model parameter is a tuple containing the face tracker and the Spectre model itself, essential for detecting facial landmarks and generating 3D models from input images.
    • Comfy dtype: SPECTRE_MODEL
    • Python dtype: Tuple[FaceTracker, Spectre]
  • image
    • The image parameter represents the input image to be transformed into a 3D model. It undergoes preprocessing such as cropping around the face before being processed by the Spectre model.
    • Comfy dtype: IMAGE
    • Python dtype: numpy.ndarray
  • chunk_size
    • The chunk_size parameter determines the number of images processed in a single batch, optimizing the performance and efficiency of the model's operation.
    • Comfy dtype: INT
    • Python dtype: int

Output types

    • The SMPL_MULTIPLE_SUBJECTS output contains the 3D vertices of the generated models, essential for constructing the 3D mesh.
    • Python dtype: torch.Tensor
    • Comfy dtype: IMAGE
    • The CROPPED_FACE_IMAGE output includes the preprocessed images that have been cropped and normalized, ready for further processing or visualization.
    • Python dtype: torch.Tensor

Usage tips

  • Infra type: GPU
  • Common nodes: unknown

Source code

class SpectreImg2SMPL:
    def INPUT_TYPES(s):
        return {
            "required": {
                "spectre_model": ("SPECTRE_MODEL", ),
                "image": ("IMAGE", ),
                "chunk_size": ("INT", {"default": 50, "min": 10, "max": 100})

    FUNCTION = "sample"
    CATEGORY = "MotionDiff"

    def get_landmarks(self, face_tracker, image_batch):
        face_info = collections.defaultdict(list)
        pbar = comfy.utils.ProgressBar(len(image_batch))
        for image in tqdm(image_batch):    
            detected_faces = face_tracker.face_detector(image, rgb=True)
            # -- face alignment
            landmarks, scores = face_tracker.landmark_detector(image, detected_faces, rgb=True)
        pbar.update_absolute(0, 0)
        return get_landmarks(face_info)

    def sample(self, spectre_model, image, chunk_size):
        face_tracker, spectre = spectre_model
        image = image.numpy().__mul__(255.).astype(np.uint8)
        landmarks = self.get_landmarks(face_tracker, image)
        landmarks = landmarks_interpolate(landmarks)
        images_list = list(image)

        """ SPECTRE uses a temporal convolution of size 5. 
        Thus, in order to predict the parameters for a contiguous video with need to 
        process the video in chunks of overlap 2, dropping values which were computed from the 
        temporal kernel which uses pad 'same'. For the start and end of the video we
        pad using the first and last frame of the video. 
        e.g., consider a video of size 48 frames and we want to predict it in chunks of 20 frames 
        (due to memory limitations). We first pad the video two frames at the start and end using
        the first and last frames correspondingly, making the video 52 frames length.

        Then we process independently the following chunks:
        [[ 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19]
        [16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35]
        [32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51]]

        In the first chunk, after computing the 3DMM params we drop 0,1 and 18,19, since they were computed 
        from the temporal kernel with padding (we followed the same procedure in training and computed loss 
        only from valid outputs of the temporal kernel) In the second chunk, we drop 16,17 and 34,35, and in 
        the last chunk we drop 32,33 and 50,51. As a result we get:
        [2..17], [18..33], [34..49] (end included) which correspond to all frames of the original video 
        (removing the initial padding).     

        # pad


        landmarks = np.stack(landmarks)

        L = chunk_size

        # create lists of overlapping indices
        indices = list(range(len(images_list)))
        overlapping_indices = [indices[i: i + L] for i in range(0, len(indices), L-4)]

        if len(overlapping_indices[-1]) < 5:
            # if the last chunk has less than 5 frames, pad it with the semilast frame
            overlapping_indices[-2] = overlapping_indices[-2] + overlapping_indices[-1]
            overlapping_indices[-2] = np.unique(overlapping_indices[-2]).astype(np.int32).tolist()
            overlapping_indices = overlapping_indices[:-1]

        # doesn't work if length is not divisible to chunk_size
        # overlapping_indices = np.array(overlapping_indices)

        images_list = np.stack(images_list) # do this to index with multiple indices
        all_verts = []
        all_cams = []
        all_cropped_images = []

        # torch.no_grad() isn't needed as the context of ComfyUI's nodes already has torch.inference_mode(True)
        pbar = comfy.utils.ProgressBar(len(overlapping_indices))
        for chunk_id in tqdm(range(len(overlapping_indices))):
            print('Processing frames {} to {}'.format(overlapping_indices[chunk_id][0], overlapping_indices[chunk_id][-1]))
            images_chunk = images_list[overlapping_indices[chunk_id]]

            landmarks_chunk = landmarks[overlapping_indices[chunk_id]]

            _images_list = []

            """ load each image and crop it around the face if necessary """
            for j in range(len(images_chunk)):
                frame = images_chunk[j]
                kpt = landmarks_chunk[j]

                tform = crop_face(frame,kpt,scale=1.6)
                cropped_image = warp(frame, tform.inverse, output_shape=(224, 224))


            images_array = torch.from_numpy(np.stack(_images_list)).type(dtype = torch.float32).to(get_torch_device()) #K.3,224,224

            codedict, initial_deca_exp, initial_deca_jaw = spectre.encode(images_array)
            codedict['exp'] = codedict['exp'] + initial_deca_exp
            codedict['pose'][..., 3:] = codedict['pose'][..., 3:] + initial_deca_jaw

            opdict = spectre.decode(codedict, rendering=False, vis_lmk=False, return_vis=False)

            for key in codedict.keys():
                """ filter out invalid indices - see explanation at the top of the function """

                if chunk_id == 0 and chunk_id == len(overlapping_indices) - 1:
                elif chunk_id == 0:
                    codedict[key] = codedict[key][:-2]
                elif chunk_id == len(overlapping_indices) - 1:
                    codedict[key] = codedict[key][2:]
                    codedict[key] = codedict[key][2:-2]

            for key in opdict.keys():
                """ filter out invalid indices - see explanation at the top of the function """

                if chunk_id == 0 and chunk_id == len(overlapping_indices) - 1:
                elif chunk_id == 0:
                    opdict[key] = opdict[key][:-2]
                elif chunk_id == len(overlapping_indices) - 1:
                    opdict[key] = opdict[key][2:]
                    opdict[key] = opdict[key][2:-2]


        all_verts, all_cams, all_cropped_images =[2:-2],[2:-2],[2:-2]
        trans_verts = util.batch_orth_proj(all_verts, all_cams)
        trans_verts[:, :, 1:] = -trans_verts[:, :, 1:]
        trans_verts[:,:,2] = trans_verts[:,:,2] + 10

        # from observation
        for i in range(len(trans_verts)):
            mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(vertices=trans_verts[i])
            rot_matrix = trimesh.transformations.rotation_matrix(math.pi, direction=[1, 1, 0], point=[0, 0, 0])
            trans_verts[i] = torch.from_numpy(mesh.vertices)
        all_verts = list(all_verts.unsqueeze(1))

        # Match PerspectiveCamera with IntrinsicsCamera
        # cx, cy = width / 2, height / 2 by default
        yfov = torch.Tensor([0.06]) #From observation again
        focal_length = (1/torch.tan(yfov/2)) * (224 / 2) # P[0][0] = 2.0 * fx / width = 1.0 / (aspect_ratio * np.tan(self.yfov / 2.0))
        all_cropped_images = rearrange(all_cropped_images, "n c h w -> n h w c")

        return ((all_verts, {
            "frame_width": 224, "frame_height": 224, "vertical_flip": True,
            "focal_length": focal_length,
            "faces": spectre.flame.faces_tensor.cpu().detach()
        }), all_cropped_images)