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FL VHS Audio Converter


  • Class name: FL_AudioConverter
  • Category: 🏵️Fill Nodes
  • Output node: False

The FL_AudioConverter node is designed to transform audio data into a format that simulates the characteristics of VHS audio quality. It processes audio inputs by adjusting their sample rate and converting them into a byte stream that represents the audio in a VHS-like quality.

Input types


  • audio
    • The 'audio' input represents the raw audio data that will be processed and converted into VHS audio quality. It is crucial for defining the audio content that will undergo transformation.
    • Comfy dtype: AUDIO
    • Python dtype: Tuple[np.ndarray, int]
  • sample_rate
    • The 'sample_rate' input specifies the sample rate of the audio data. It plays a significant role in the conversion process by determining the resolution of the audio output.
    • Comfy dtype: INT
    • Python dtype: int

Output types

  • audio
    • Comfy dtype: VHS_AUDIO
    • The output is a lambda function that, when called, returns the audio data bytes simulating VHS audio quality.
    • Python dtype: Callable[[], bytes]

Usage tips

  • Infra type: CPU
  • Common nodes: unknown

Source code

class FL_AudioConverter:
    def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
        return {
            "required": {
                "audio": ("AUDIO",),
                "sample_rate": ("INT", {"default": 44100, "description": "Sample rate of the audio"}),

    RETURN_NAMES = ("audio",)
    FUNCTION = "convert_audio"
    CATEGORY = "🏵️Fill Nodes"

    def convert_audio(self, audio, sample_rate):
        # Extract the audio data and sample rate from the input tuple
        audio_data, _ = audio

        # Convert the audio data to int16
        audio_data = (audio_data * 32767).astype(np.int16)

        # Create a bytes buffer
        buffer = io.BytesIO()

        # Write the audio data to the buffer using wave module
        with, 'wb') as wav_file:
            wav_file.setnchannels(1)  # Mono audio
            wav_file.setsampwidth(2)  # 2 bytes per sample (int16)

        # Get the bytes from the buffer
        audio_bytes = buffer.getvalue()

        # Return a lambda function that returns the audio bytes
        return (lambda: audio_bytes,)