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Image scale by ratio


  • Class name: DF_Image_scale_by_ratio
  • Category: Derfuu_Nodes/Modded nodes/Image
  • Output node: False

This node is designed to upscale an image by a specified ratio, applying a chosen upscale method and optionally cropping the image. It focuses on adjusting the image's dimensions based on a scaling factor, enhancing the image quality or fitting it into a desired size while maintaining its aspect ratio.

Input types


  • image
    • The image to be upscaled. It is central to the node's operation as it determines the base for scaling and the subject of the upscale process.
    • Comfy dtype: IMAGE
    • Python dtype: torch.Tensor
  • upscale_by
    • The factor by which the image's dimensions should be increased. This value directly influences the final size of the upscaled image.
    • Comfy dtype: FLOAT
    • Python dtype: float
  • upscale_method
    • The method used for upscaling the image. Different methods can affect the quality and characteristics of the upscaled image.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: str
  • crop
    • Determines if and how the upscaled image should be cropped, affecting the final composition and aspect ratio of the output.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: str

Output types

  • image
    • Comfy dtype: IMAGE
    • The upscaled version of the input image, potentially cropped according to the specified method.
    • Python dtype: torch.Tensor

Usage tips

  • Infra type: GPU
  • Common nodes: unknown

Source code

class ImageScale_Ratio:
    scale_methods = scale_methods
    crop_methods = ["disabled", "center"]

    def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
        return {
            "required": {
                "image": Field.image(),
                "upscale_by": Field.float(),
                "upscale_method": Field.combo(cls.scale_methods),
                "crop": Field.combo(cls.crop_methods)

    FUNCTION = "upscale"


    def upscale(self, image, upscale_method, upscale_by, crop):
        size = get_image_size(image)

        width_B = int(size[0])
        height_B = int(size[1])

        samples = image.movedim(-1, 1)

        height = math.ceil(height_B * upscale_by)
        width = math.ceil(width_B * upscale_by)
        cls = common_upscale(samples, width, height, upscale_method, crop)
        cls = cls.movedim(1, -1)
        return (cls,)