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Split String by Newline


  • Class name: SaltSplitByNewline
  • Category: SALT/String
  • Output node: False

The node splits a given text into a list of strings based on newline characters, optionally stripping whitespace and ignoring lines that start with common comment symbols (#, //).

Input types


  • text
    • The text to be split into lines. This input allows for the processing of multiline text, enabling the node to operate on extensive or compact text data.
    • Comfy dtype: STRING
    • Python dtype: str
  • strip_text
    • A boolean flag that determines whether whitespace should be stripped from the beginning and end of each line, as well as ignoring lines that start with comment symbols.
    • Comfy dtype: BOOLEAN
    • Python dtype: bool

Output types

  • list
    • Comfy dtype: LIST
    • A list of strings derived from the input text, split based on newline characters and optionally processed according to the strip_text parameter.
    • Python dtype: List[str]
  • strings
    • Comfy dtype: STRING
    • A duplicate of the list output, provided for compatibility or further processing needs.
    • Python dtype: List[str]

Usage tips

  • Infra type: CPU
  • Common nodes: unknown

Source code

class SaltSplitByNewline:
    def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
        return {
            "required": {
                "text": ("STRING", {"multiline": True, "dynamicPrompts": False}),
                "strip_text": ("BOOLEAN", {"default": True})

    RETURN_NAMES = ("list", "strings")
    OUTPUT_IS_LIST = (True, False)

    FUNCTION = "split"
    CATEGORY = f"{MENU_NAME}/String"

    def split(self, text, strip_text):
        if strip_text:
            text = text.strip()
            lines = [line.strip() for line in text.splitlines() if line and (not line.strip().startswith("#") or not line.strip().startswith("//"))]
            lines = [line for line in text.splitlines() if line and (not line.strip().startswith("#") or not line.strip().startswith("//"))]
        return (lines, lines)