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∞ HTML Repair


  • Class name: LLMHtmlRepair
  • Category: SALT/Language Toolkit/Tools/HTML
  • Output node: False

The LLMHtmlRepair node leverages a language model to analyze and correct malformed HTML content, ensuring the output is well-structured and valid HTML without data loss.

Input types


  • llm_model
    • Specifies the language model to use for repairing the HTML. It's crucial for interpreting the input and generating the corrected HTML.
    • Comfy dtype: LLM_MODEL
    • Python dtype: Dict[str, Any]
  • text_input
    • The malformed HTML content that needs to be repaired. It serves as the primary input for the correction process.
    • Comfy dtype: STRING
    • Python dtype: str


  • extra_directions
    • Optional additional instructions for the language model, guiding the repair process with more specificity.
    • Comfy dtype: STRING
    • Python dtype: str

Output types

  • html_output
    • Comfy dtype: STRING
    • The repaired HTML content, which is well-structured and valid, ensuring no data is omitted.
    • Python dtype: str

Usage tips

  • Infra type: GPU
  • Common nodes: unknown

Source code

class LLMHtmlRepair:
    def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
        return {
            "required": {
                "llm_model": ("LLM_MODEL",),
                "text_input": ("STRING", {"multiline": True, "dynamicPrompts": False, "placeholder": "Malformed HTML..."}),
            "optional": {
                "extra_directions": ("STRING", {"multiline": True, "dynamicPrompts": False, "placeholder": "Extra directions for the LLM to follow..."}),

    RETURN_NAMES = ("html_output",)

    FUNCTION = "repair_html"

    def repair_html(self, llm_model, text_input, extra_directions=""):
        prompt = (
            "Given the above malformed HTML, please inspect it and repair it so that it's valid HTML, without changing or losing any data if possible."
            "Please ensure the HTML output is well-structured, valid,, and does not omit any data."

        response = llm_model['llm'].complete(prompt)

        return (response.text,)