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Sampler Selector


  • Class name: Sampler Selector
  • Category: ImageSaverTools/utils
  • Output node: False

The Sampler Selector node is designed to dynamically choose and configure a sampling strategy for image generation tasks. It allows for the selection of different sampling algorithms based on input parameters, optimizing the image generation process for various scenarios and preferences.

Input types


  • sampler_name
    • Specifies the name of the sampler to be used, influencing the selection of the sampling algorithm for the image generation task.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: str

Output types

  • sampler_name
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Returns the identifier of the configured sampler object, ready for use in image generation tasks.
    • Python dtype: str

Usage tips

Source code

class SamplerSelector:
    CATEGORY = 'ImageSaverTools/utils'
    RETURN_TYPES = (comfy.samplers.KSampler.SAMPLERS,)
    RETURN_NAMES = ("sampler_name",)
    FUNCTION = "get_names"

    def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
        return {"required": {"sampler_name": (comfy.samplers.KSampler.SAMPLERS,)}}

    def get_names(self, sampler_name):
        return (sampler_name,)