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Scheduler Selector


  • Class name: Scheduler Selector
  • Category: ImageSaverTools/utils
  • Output node: False

The Scheduler Selector node is designed to facilitate the selection of a scheduler from a predefined list of schedulers available within the Comfy samplers. It abstracts the complexity of scheduler selection, providing a streamlined interface for users to choose the most suitable scheduler for their image generation or modification tasks.

Input types


  • scheduler
    • Specifies the scheduler to be selected. This parameter allows users to choose from a list of available schedulers, impacting the image generation process by determining the scheduling algorithm used.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: str

Output types

  • scheduler
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Returns the selected scheduler's name. This output is crucial for further processing steps that require a specific scheduler to be identified and used.
    • Python dtype: str

Usage tips

Source code

class SchedulerSelector:
    CATEGORY = 'ImageSaverTools/utils'
    RETURN_TYPES = (comfy.samplers.KSampler.SCHEDULERS,)
    RETURN_NAMES = ("scheduler",)
    FUNCTION = "get_names"

    def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
        return {"required": {"scheduler": (comfy.samplers.KSampler.SCHEDULERS,)}}

    def get_names(self, scheduler):
        return (scheduler,)