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comfy_mtb is an open-source project designed to build proof-of-concepts (POCs) for MLOps implementation, featuring a variety of nodes inspired by community contributions and built-in functionalities. It includes nodes for animation, image operations, color adjustments, texture generation, and miscellaneous utilities, with some nodes offering dynamic input capabilities. The project aims to facilitate the exploration and utilization of these nodes within the MLOps ecosystem.


Animation * AnimationScheduling * BackgroundRemoval * Batch * Blur * BooleanLogic * BoundingBox * Color * Comparison * ConditionalSelection * Constant * Crop * Curve * DataConversion * DataTypeConversion * Debugging * DepthMap * DepthMapEstimation * Face * FaceRestoration * FloatData * FloatList * Frame * FrameInterpolation * GridLayout * Image * ImageEnhancement * ImageMask * ImageMaskConversion * ImageSave * ImageScaling * ImageSequence * ImageSize * ImageTransformation * Latent * Mask * MaskGeneration * Math * MathematicalExpressions * ModelGuidance * ModelPatch * NormalMap * NumericConversion * Sampling * String * Style * Text * TextOnImage * TextReplacement * Tiled * VAE * VisualEffects

Repo info

  • Repo url:
  • Commit hash: 59608320c87cf95e3efc4ab4167a7ab7ff3796c5


  • GPL-3.0-only:
  • Apache-2.0, BSD-2-Clause, BSD-3-Clause, CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0, LicenseRef-scancode-unknown-license-reference, LicenseRef-scancode-warranty-disclaimer, MIT, MPL-2.0, PSF-2.0, cve-tou: extern/GFPGAN/LICENSE
  • Apache-2.0, Python-2.0: extern/GFPGAN/
  • Apache-2.0: extern/GFPGAN/
  • LicenseRef-scancode-generic-cla: extern/frame_interpolation/
  • Apache-2.0: extern/frame_interpolation/LICENSE
  • Apache-2.0: extern/frame_interpolation/datasets/
  • MIT: pyproject.toml
  • Apache-2.0, MPL-2.0: web/extern/dom-purify.js
  • MIT: web_async/ace/theme-dracula.js

Visit licenses page for the details