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🌫 Noise from Area Palettes


  • Class name: Noise from Area Palettes [Dream]
  • Category: ✨ Dream/🌄 image/âš¡ generate
  • Output node: False

The 'Noise from Area Palettes' node generates a noise-based image by blending colors from different area-specific palettes. It utilizes a unique area sharpness parameter to influence the randomness and distribution of colors across specified areas, creating a visually cohesive noise pattern.

Input types


  • area_sharpness
    • Controls the sharpness of the transitions between different area palettes, influencing how distinctly the areas are defined.
    • Comfy dtype: FLOAT
    • Python dtype: float
  • width
    • The width of the generated image.
    • Comfy dtype: INT
    • Python dtype: int
  • height
    • The height of the generated image.
    • Comfy dtype: INT
    • Python dtype: int
  • blur_amount
    • The amount of blur applied to the noise, affecting the smoothness of the color transitions.
    • Comfy dtype: FLOAT
    • Python dtype: float
  • density
    • Determines the density of the noise pattern, influencing the overall texture and complexity of the image.
    • Comfy dtype: FLOAT
    • Python dtype: float
  • seed
    • A seed value for random number generation, ensuring reproducibility of the noise pattern.
    • Comfy dtype: INT
    • Python dtype: int


  • top_left_palette
    • Specifies the palette for the top-left area of the image, influencing the color scheme in that specific section.
    • Comfy dtype: RGB_PALETTE
    • Python dtype: RGBPalette.ID
  • top_center_palette
    • Defines the palette for the top-center area, affecting the color distribution and theme in this particular region.
    • Comfy dtype: RGB_PALETTE
    • Python dtype: RGBPalette.ID
  • top_right_palette
    • Determines the palette for the top-right area, impacting the color choices and overall aesthetic in that zone.
    • Comfy dtype: RGB_PALETTE
    • Python dtype: RGBPalette.ID
  • center_left_palette
    • Sets the palette for the center-left area, guiding the color scheme and visual harmony in this segment.
    • Comfy dtype: RGB_PALETTE
    • Python dtype: RGBPalette.ID
  • center_palette
    • Indicates the palette for the central area of the image, influencing the core color theme and distribution.
    • Comfy dtype: RGB_PALETTE
    • Python dtype: RGBPalette.ID
  • center_right_palette
    • Specifies the palette for the center-right area, affecting the color dynamics and visual appeal in this section.
    • Comfy dtype: RGB_PALETTE
    • Python dtype: RGBPalette.ID
  • bottom_left_palette
    • Determines the palette for the bottom-left area, impacting the color scheme and aesthetic consistency in this part.
    • Comfy dtype: RGB_PALETTE
    • Python dtype: RGBPalette.ID
  • bottom_center_palette
    • Sets the palette for the bottom-center area, guiding the color choices and thematic consistency in this region.
    • Comfy dtype: RGB_PALETTE
    • Python dtype: RGBPalette.ID
  • bottom_right_palette
    • Defines the palette for the bottom-right area, affecting the color distribution and visual impact in this zone.
    • Comfy dtype: RGB_PALETTE
    • Python dtype: RGBPalette.ID

Output types

  • image
    • Comfy dtype: IMAGE
    • The generated image, composed of noise patterns derived from the specified area palettes.
    • Python dtype: DreamImage

Usage tips

  • Infra type: GPU
  • Common nodes: unknown

Source code

class DreamNoiseFromAreaPalettes:
    NODE_NAME = "Noise from Area Palettes"

    def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
        return {
            "optional": {
                "top_left_palette": (RGBPalette.ID,),
                "top_center_palette": (RGBPalette.ID,),
                "top_right_palette": (RGBPalette.ID,),
                "center_left_palette": (RGBPalette.ID,),
                "center_palette": (RGBPalette.ID,),
                "center_right_palette": (RGBPalette.ID,),
                "bottom_left_palette": (RGBPalette.ID,),
                "bottom_center_palette": (RGBPalette.ID,),
                "bottom_right_palette": (RGBPalette.ID,),
            "required": {
                "area_sharpness": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0.5, "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "step": 0.05}),
                "width": ("INT", {"default": 512, "min": 1, "max": 8192}),
                "height": ("INT", {"default": 512, "min": 1, "max": 8192}),
                "blur_amount": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0.3, "min": 0, "max": 1.0, "step": 0.05}),
                "density": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0.5, "min": 0.1, "max": 1.0, "step": 0.025}),
                "seed": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 0xffffffffffffffff}),

    ICON = "🌫"
    RETURN_NAMES = ("image",)
    FUNCTION = "result"

    def IS_CHANGED(cls, *values):
        return ALWAYS_CHANGED_FLAG

    def _area_coordinates(self, width, height):
        dx = width / 6
        dy = height / 6
        return {
            "top_left_palette": (dx, dy),
            "top_center_palette": (dx * 3, dy),
            "top_right_palette": (dx * 5, dy),
            "center_left_palette": (dx, dy * 3),
            "center_palette": (dx * 3, dy * 3),
            "center_right_palette": (dx * 5, dy * 3),
            "bottom_left_palette": (dx * 1, dy * 5),
            "bottom_center_palette": (dx * 3, dy * 5),
            "bottom_right_palette": (dx * 5, dy * 5),

    def _pick_random_area(self, active_coordinates, x, y, rng, area_sharpness):
        def _dst(x1, y1, x2, y2):
            a = x1 - x2
            b = y1 - y2
            return math.sqrt(a * a + b * b)

        distances = list(map(lambda item: (item[0], _dst(item[1][0], item[1][1], x, y)), active_coordinates))
        areas_by_weight = list(
            map(lambda item: (math.pow((1.0 / max(1, item[1])), 0.5 + 4.5 * area_sharpness), item[0]), distances))
        return pick_random_by_weight(areas_by_weight, rng)

    def _setup_initial_colors(self, image: DreamImage, color_func):
        w = image.width
        h = image.height
        wpart = round(w / 3)
        hpart = round(h / 3)
        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(3):
                image.color_area(wpart * i, hpart * j, w, h,
                                 color_func(wpart * i + w // 2, hpart * j + h // 2))

    def result(self, width, height, seed, blur_amount, density, area_sharpness, **palettes):
        outputs = list()
        rng = random.Random()
        coordinates = self._area_coordinates(width, height)
        active_palettes = list(filter(lambda pair: pair[1] is not None and len(pair[1]) > 0, palettes.items()))
        active_coordinates = list(map(lambda item: (item[0], coordinates[item[0]]), active_palettes))

        n = max(list(map(len, palettes.values())) + [0])
        for b in range(n):
            batch_palettes = dict(map(lambda item: (item[0], item[1][b].random_iteration(seed)), active_palettes))

            def _color_func(x, y):
                name = self._pick_random_area(active_coordinates, x, y, rng, area_sharpness)
                rgb = batch_palettes[name]
                return next(rgb)

            image = DreamImage("RGB", (width, height)))
            self._setup_initial_colors(image, _color_func)
            image = _generate_noise(image, _color_func, rng, (round(image.width / 3), round(image.height / 3)),
                                    blur_amount, density)

        if not outputs:
            outputs.append(DreamImage("RGB", (width, height))))

        return (DreamImage.join_to_tensor_data(outputs),)