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Save Image Extended


  • Class name: SaveImageExtended
  • Category: image
  • Output node: True

The SaveImageExtended node extends the functionality of image saving in ComfyUI by allowing for enhanced customization and metadata handling. It supports saving images with custom filenames and paths, embedding metadata within the image files, and optionally saving job-related data alongside the images. This node caters to advanced use cases where detailed control over the image output process is desired, including the management of image metadata and the organization of saved images.

Input types


  • images
    • A collection of images to be saved. This parameter is crucial as it directly influences the node's primary function of saving images to disk.
    • Comfy dtype: IMAGE
    • Python dtype: List[torch.Tensor]
  • filename_prefix
    • A prefix added to the filename for further customization, allowing for more descriptive or organized file naming.
    • Comfy dtype: STRING
    • Python dtype: str
  • filename_keys
    • Specifies the keys from the generation parameters to be included in the filename, enabling dynamic naming based on specific generation attributes.
    • Comfy dtype: STRING
    • Python dtype: str
  • foldername_prefix
    • A prefix for the folder name where images will be saved, allowing for organized grouping of images in the output directory.
    • Comfy dtype: STRING
    • Python dtype: str
  • foldername_keys
    • Defines the keys from the generation parameters to be included in the folder name, facilitating organized storage based on specific attributes.
    • Comfy dtype: STRING
    • Python dtype: str
  • delimiter
    • The character used to separate elements in the filename and folder name, allowing for customization of the file and folder naming scheme.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: str
  • save_job_data
    • Controls the saving of job-related data alongside the images, enabling the association of creation parameters or results with the saved images.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: str
  • job_data_per_image
    • Determines whether job-related data should be saved for each image individually or as a single file for all images, affecting how job data is organized.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: str
  • job_custom_text
    • Custom text to be included in job-related data, offering a way to embed arbitrary information or notes alongside the saved images.
    • Comfy dtype: STRING
    • Python dtype: str
  • save_metadata
    • Controls whether to embed metadata within the saved images. This affects the node's ability to include additional information like prompts or custom data within the image files.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: str
  • counter_digits
    • Determines the number of digits for the image counter, affecting the formatting of the sequence numbers in filenames.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[INT]
    • Python dtype: str
  • counter_position
    • Specifies the position of the counter in the filename, affecting how the sequence numbers are formatted and displayed.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: str
  • one_counter_per_folder
    • Specifies whether a single counter is used for all images in a folder or if each folder has its own counter, influencing file organization.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: str
  • image_preview
    • Controls whether a preview of the saved image is displayed, enhancing the user's ability to visually verify the saved images.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: str


  • positive_text_opt
    • Optional text associated with positive prompts, used in job data saving to provide context or details about the image generation.
    • Comfy dtype: STRING
    • Python dtype: str
  • negative_text_opt
    • Optional text associated with negative prompts, used in job data saving to provide additional context or details about the image generation.
    • Comfy dtype: STRING
    • Python dtype: str

Output types

  • ui
    • Provides a user interface element to display results, including images saved, their filenames, and subfolder paths, enhancing the user's interaction with the node's output.

Usage tips

  • Infra type: CPU
  • Common nodes: unknown

Source code

class SaveImageExtended:
    def __init__(self):
        self.output_dir = folder_paths.get_output_directory()
        self.type = 'output'
        self.prefix_append = ''

    def INPUT_TYPES(s):
        return {
            'required': {
                'images': ('IMAGE', ),
                'filename_prefix': ('STRING', {'default': 'myFile'}),
                'filename_keys': ('STRING', {'default': 'steps, cfg', 'multiline': False}),
                'foldername_prefix': ('STRING', {'default': 'myPix'}),
                'foldername_keys': ('STRING', {'default': 'sampler_name, scheduler', 'multiline': False}),
                'delimiter': (['underscore','dot', 'comma'], {'default': 'underscore'}),
                'save_job_data': (['disabled', 'prompt', 'basic, prompt', 'basic, sampler, prompt', 'basic, models, sampler, prompt'],{'default': 'basic, prompt'}),
                'job_data_per_image': (['disabled', 'enabled'],{'default': 'disabled'}),
                'job_custom_text': ('STRING', {'default': '', 'multiline': False}),
                'save_metadata': (['disabled', 'enabled'], {'default': 'enabled'}),
                'counter_digits': ([2, 3, 4, 5, 6], {'default': 3}),
                'counter_position': (['first', 'last'], {'default': 'last'}),
                'one_counter_per_folder': (['disabled', 'enabled'], {'default': 'disabled'}),
                'image_preview': (['disabled', 'enabled'], {'default': 'enabled'}),
            "optional": {
                    "positive_text_opt": ("STRING", {"forceInput": True}),
                    "negative_text_opt": ("STRING", {"forceInput": True}),
            'hidden': {'prompt': 'PROMPT', 'extra_pnginfo': 'EXTRA_PNGINFO'},

    FUNCTION = 'save_images'
    OUTPUT_NODE = True
    CATEGORY = 'image'

    def get_subfolder_path(self, image_path, output_path):
        image_path = Path(image_path).resolve()
        output_path = Path(output_path).resolve()
        relative_path = image_path.relative_to(output_path)
        subfolder_path = relative_path.parent

        return str(subfolder_path)

    # Get current counter number from file names
    def get_latest_counter(self, one_counter_per_folder, folder_path, filename_prefix, counter_digits, counter_position='last'):
        counter = 1
        if not os.path.exists(folder_path):
            print(f"Folder {folder_path} does not exist, starting counter at 1.")
            return counter

            files = [f for f in os.listdir(folder_path) if f.endswith('.png')]
            if files:
                if counter_position == 'last':
                    counters = [int(f[-(4 + counter_digits):-4]) if f[-(4 + counter_digits):-4].isdigit() else 0 for f in files if one_counter_per_folder == 'enabled' or f.startswith(filename_prefix)]
                elif counter_position == 'first':
                    counters = [int(f[:counter_digits]) if f[:counter_digits].isdigit() else 0 for f in files if one_counter_per_folder == 'enabled' or f[counter_digits +1:].startswith(filename_prefix)]
                    print("Invalid counter_position. Using 'last' as default.")
                    counters = [int(f[-(4 + counter_digits):-4]) if f[-(4 + counter_digits):-4].isdigit() else 0 for f in files if one_counter_per_folder == 'enabled' or f.startswith(filename_prefix)]

                if counters:
                    counter = max(counters) + 1

        except Exception as e:
            print(f"An error occurred while finding the latest counter: {e}")

        return counter

    def find_keys_recursively(d, keys_to_find, found_values):
        for key, value in d.items():
            if key in keys_to_find:
                found_values[key] = value
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                SaveImageExtended.find_keys_recursively(value, keys_to_find, found_values)

    def remove_file_extension(value):
        if isinstance(value, str) and value.endswith('.safetensors'):
            base_value = os.path.basename(value)
            value = base_value[:-12]
        if isinstance(value, str) and value.endswith('.pt'):
            base_value = os.path.basename(value)
            value = base_value[:-3]

        return value

    def find_parameter_values(target_keys, obj, found_values=None):
        if found_values is None:
            found_values = {}

        if not isinstance(target_keys, list):
            target_keys = [target_keys]

        loras_string = ''
        for key, value in obj.items():
            if 'loras' in target_keys:
                # Match both formats: lora_xx and lora_name_x
                if re.match(r'lora(_name)?(_\d+)?', key):
                    if value.endswith('.safetensors'):
                        value = SaveImageExtended.remove_file_extension(value)
                    if value != 'None':
                        loras_string += f'{value}, '

            if key in target_keys:
                if (isinstance(value, str) and value.endswith('.safetensors')) or (isinstance(value, str) and value.endswith('.pt')):
                    value = SaveImageExtended.remove_file_extension(value)
                found_values[key] = value

            if isinstance(value, dict):
                SaveImageExtended.find_parameter_values(target_keys, value, found_values)

        if 'loras' in target_keys and loras_string:
            found_values['loras'] = loras_string.strip(', ')

        if len(target_keys) == 1:
            return found_values.get(target_keys[0], None)

        return found_values

    def generate_custom_name(keys_to_extract, prefix, delimiter_char, resolution, prompt):
        custom_name = prefix

        if prompt is not None and len(keys_to_extract) > 0:
            found_values = {'resolution': resolution}
            SaveImageExtended.find_keys_recursively(prompt, keys_to_extract, found_values)
            for key in keys_to_extract:
                value = found_values.get(key)
                if value is not None:
                    if key == 'cfg' or key =='denoise':
                            value = round(float(value), 1)
                        except ValueError:

                    if (isinstance(value, str) and value.endswith('.safetensors')) or (isinstance(value, str) and value.endswith('.pt')):
                        value = SaveImageExtended.remove_file_extension(value)

                    custom_name += f'{delimiter_char}{value}'

        return custom_name.strip(delimiter_char)

    def save_job_to_json(save_job_data, prompt, filename_prefix, positive_text_opt, negative_text_opt, job_custom_text, resolution, output_path, filename):
        prompt_keys_to_save = {}
        if 'basic' in save_job_data:
            if len(filename_prefix) > 0:
                prompt_keys_to_save['filename_prefix'] = filename_prefix
            prompt_keys_to_save['resolution'] = resolution
        if len(job_custom_text) > 0:
            prompt_keys_to_save['custom_text'] = job_custom_text

        if 'models' in save_job_data:
            models = SaveImageExtended.find_parameter_values(['ckpt_name', 'loras', 'vae_name', 'model_name'], prompt)
            if models.get('ckpt_name'):
                prompt_keys_to_save['checkpoint'] = models['ckpt_name']
            if models.get('loras'):
                prompt_keys_to_save['loras'] = models['loras']
            if models.get('vae_name'):
                prompt_keys_to_save['vae'] = models['vae_name']
            if models.get('model_name'):
                prompt_keys_to_save['upscale_model'] = models['model_name']

        if 'sampler' in save_job_data:
            prompt_keys_to_save['sampler_parameters'] = SaveImageExtended.find_parameter_values(['seed', 'steps', 'cfg', 'sampler_name', 'scheduler', 'denoise'], prompt)

        if 'prompt' in save_job_data:
            if positive_text_opt is not None:
                if not (isinstance(positive_text_opt, list) and
                        len(positive_text_opt) == 2 and
                        isinstance(positive_text_opt[0], str) and
                        len(positive_text_opt[0]) < 6 and
                        isinstance(positive_text_opt[1], (int, float))):
                    prompt_keys_to_save['positive_prompt'] = positive_text_opt

            if negative_text_opt is not None:
                if not (isinstance(positive_text_opt, list) and len(negative_text_opt) == 2 and isinstance(negative_text_opt[0], str) and isinstance(negative_text_opt[1], (int, float))):
                    prompt_keys_to_save['negative_prompt'] = negative_text_opt

            #If no user input for prompts
            if positive_text_opt is None and negative_text_opt is None:
                if prompt is not None:
                    for key in prompt:
                        class_type = prompt[key].get('class_type', None)
                        inputs = prompt[key].get('inputs', {})

                        # Efficiency Loaders prompt structure
                        if class_type == 'Efficient Loader' or class_type == 'Eff. Loader SDXL':
                            if 'positive' in inputs and 'negative' in inputs:
                                prompt_keys_to_save['positive_prompt'] = inputs.get('positive')
                                prompt_keys_to_save['negative_prompt'] = inputs.get('negative')

                        # KSampler/UltimateSDUpscale prompt structure
                        elif class_type == 'KSampler' or class_type == 'KSamplerAdvanced' or class_type == 'UltimateSDUpscale':
                            positive_ref = inputs.get('positive', [])[0] if 'positive' in inputs else None
                            negative_ref = inputs.get('negative', [])[0] if 'negative' in inputs else None

                            positive_text = prompt.get(str(positive_ref), {}).get('inputs', {}).get('text', None)
                            negative_text = prompt.get(str(negative_ref), {}).get('inputs', {}).get('text', None)

                            # If we get non text inputs
                            if positive_text is not None:
                                if isinstance(positive_text, list):
                                    if len(positive_text) == 2:
                                        if isinstance(positive_text[0], str) and len(positive_text[0]) < 6:
                                            if isinstance(positive_text[1], (int, float)):
                                prompt_keys_to_save['positive_prompt'] = positive_text

                            if negative_text is not None:
                                if isinstance(negative_text, list):
                                    if len(negative_text) == 2:
                                        if isinstance(negative_text[0], str) and len(negative_text[0]) < 6:
                                            if isinstance(negative_text[1], (int, float)):
                                prompt_keys_to_save['positive_prompt'] = negative_text

        # Append data and save
        json_file_path = os.path.join(output_path, filename)
        existing_data = {}
        if os.path.exists(json_file_path):
                with open(json_file_path, 'r') as f:
                    existing_data = json.load(f)
            except json.JSONDecodeError:
                print(f"The file {json_file_path} is empty or malformed. Initializing with empty data.")
                existing_data = {}

        timestamp ='%c')
        new_entry = {}
        new_entry[timestamp] = prompt_keys_to_save

        with open(json_file_path, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(existing_data, f, indent=4)

    def save_images(self,

        delimiter_char = "_" if delimiter =='underscore' else '.' if delimiter =='dot' else ','

        # Get set resolution value
        i = 255. * images[0].cpu().numpy()
        img = Image.fromarray(np.clip(i, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8))
        resolution = f'{img.width}x{img.height}'

        filename_keys_to_extract = [item.strip() for item in filename_keys.split(',')]
        foldername_keys_to_extract = [item.strip() for item in foldername_keys.split(',')]
        custom_filename = SaveImageExtended.generate_custom_name(filename_keys_to_extract, filename_prefix, delimiter_char, resolution, prompt)
        custom_foldername = SaveImageExtended.generate_custom_name(foldername_keys_to_extract, foldername_prefix, delimiter_char, resolution, prompt)

        # Create and save images
            full_output_folder, filename, _, _, custom_filename = folder_paths.get_save_image_path(custom_filename, self.output_dir, images[0].shape[1], images[0].shape[0])
            output_path = os.path.join(full_output_folder, custom_foldername)
            os.makedirs(output_path, exist_ok=True)
            counter = self.get_latest_counter(one_counter_per_folder, output_path, filename, counter_digits, counter_position)

            results = list()
            for image in images:
                i = 255. * image.cpu().numpy()
                img = Image.fromarray(np.clip(i, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8))
                metadata = None
                if save_metadata == 'enabled':
                    metadata = PngInfo()
                    if prompt is not None:
                        metadata.add_text('prompt', json.dumps(prompt))
                    if extra_pnginfo is not None:
                        for x in extra_pnginfo:
                            metadata.add_text(x, json.dumps(extra_pnginfo[x]))

                if counter_position == 'last':
                    file = f'{filename}{delimiter_char}{counter:0{counter_digits}}.png'
                    file = f'{counter:0{counter_digits}}{delimiter_char}{filename}.png'

                image_path = os.path.join(output_path, file)
      , pnginfo=metadata, compress_level=4)

                if save_job_data != 'disabled' and job_data_per_image =='enabled':
                    SaveImageExtended.save_job_to_json(save_job_data, prompt, filename_prefix, positive_text_opt, negative_text_opt, job_custom_text, resolution, output_path, f'{file.strip(".png")}.json')

                subfolder = self.get_subfolder_path(image_path, self.output_dir)
                results.append({ 'filename': file, 'subfolder': subfolder, 'type': self.type})
                counter += 1

            if save_job_data != 'disabled' and job_data_per_image =='disabled':
                SaveImageExtended.save_job_to_json(save_job_data, prompt, filename_prefix, positive_text_opt, negative_text_opt, job_custom_text, resolution, output_path, 'jobs.json')

        except OSError as e:
            print(f'An error occurred while creating the subfolder or saving the image: {e}')
            if image_preview == 'disabled':
                results = list()
            return { 'ui': { 'images': results } }