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Batch Creative Interpolation 🎞️🅢🅜


  • Class name: BatchCreativeInterpolation
  • Category: Steerable-Motion
  • Output node: False

The Batch Creative Interpolation node is designed to facilitate the generation and manipulation of frame sequences in a batch processing manner. It leverages advanced interpolation techniques to creatively adjust and enhance video frames, enabling dynamic frame rate conversion, motion smoothing, and the introduction of novel visual effects. This node is particularly useful in applications requiring high-quality video processing, animation, and effects generation, where frame-by-frame control and precision are paramount.

Input types


  • positive
    • Specifies the positive conditioning input, used to guide the interpolation process towards desired outcomes.
    • Comfy dtype: CONDITIONING
    • Python dtype: List[str]
  • negative
    • Specifies the negative conditioning input, used to steer the interpolation process away from undesired outcomes.
    • Comfy dtype: CONDITIONING
    • Python dtype: List[str]
  • images
    • Specifies the images to be interpolated, serving as the basis for generating new frames within the sequence.
    • Comfy dtype: IMAGE
    • Python dtype: List[torch.Tensor]
  • model
    • Defines the model to be used for the interpolation process, central to generating the interpolated frames.
    • Comfy dtype: MODEL
    • Python dtype: str
  • ipadapter
    • Defines the IP adapter used for processing, crucial for integrating with different image processing pipelines.
    • Comfy dtype: IPADAPTER
    • Python dtype: str
  • clip_vision
    • Provides the CLIP vision model input, aiding in the contextual understanding and guidance of the interpolation process.
    • Comfy dtype: CLIP_VISION
    • Python dtype: str
  • type_of_frame_distribution
    • Determines the method for distributing frames, whether linearly or dynamically, to control the pacing of frame generation.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: List[str]
  • linear_frame_distribution_value
    • Specifies the value for linear frame distribution, influencing the uniformity of frame spacing.
    • Comfy dtype: INT
    • Python dtype: int
  • dynamic_frame_distribution_values
    • Defines dynamic values for frame distribution, allowing for variable pacing and timing across the sequence.
    • Comfy dtype: STRING
    • Python dtype: str
  • type_of_key_frame_influence
    • Selects the method for key frame influence, impacting how key frames affect the interpolation.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: List[str]
  • linear_key_frame_influence_value
    • Sets the linear influence value of key frames, determining their impact on the interpolation process.
    • Comfy dtype: STRING
    • Python dtype: str
  • dynamic_key_frame_influence_values
    • Specifies dynamic influence values for key frames, offering nuanced control over their effect.
    • Comfy dtype: STRING
    • Python dtype: str
  • type_of_strength_distribution
    • Chooses the method for distributing strength, affecting the intensity of interpolation effects.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: List[str]
  • linear_strength_value
    • Determines the linear strength value, controlling the overall intensity of the interpolation.
    • Comfy dtype: STRING
    • Python dtype: str
  • dynamic_strength_values
    • Provides dynamic strength values, allowing for varied intensity levels throughout the sequence.
    • Comfy dtype: STRING
    • Python dtype: str
  • buffer
    • Sets the buffer size for processing, optimizing performance and resource utilization.
    • Comfy dtype: INT
    • Python dtype: int
  • high_detail_mode
    • Enables or disables high detail mode, affecting the quality and detail of the interpolated frames.
    • Comfy dtype: BOOLEAN
    • Python dtype: bool


  • base_ipa_advanced_settings
    • unknown
    • Comfy dtype: ADVANCED_IPA_SETTINGS
    • Python dtype: unknown
  • detail_ipa_advanced_settings
    • unknown
    • Comfy dtype: ADVANCED_IPA_SETTINGS
    • Python dtype: unknown

Output types

    • Comfy dtype: IMAGE
    • Provides a graphical representation of the interpolation process, detailing key frame positions and interpolation paths.
    • Python dtype: str
    • Comfy dtype: CONDITIONING
    • unknown
    • Python dtype: unknown
    • Comfy dtype: CONDITIONING
    • unknown
    • Python dtype: unknown
    • Comfy dtype: MODEL
    • unknown
    • Python dtype: unknown
    • Comfy dtype: STRING
    • Lists the positions of key frames within the interpolated sequence, crucial for understanding frame distribution.
    • Python dtype: List[int]
    • Comfy dtype: INT
    • Indicates the number of frames processed in a single batch, relevant for performance optimization.
    • Python dtype: int
    • Comfy dtype: INT
    • Specifies the buffer size used during processing, affecting memory usage and computational efficiency.
    • Python dtype: int
    • Comfy dtype: STRING
    • Identifies frames that were dropped during the interpolation process, useful for quality control and adjustment.
    • Python dtype: List[int]

Usage tips

  • Infra type: GPU
  • Common nodes: unknown

Source code

class BatchCreativeInterpolationNode:
    def IS_CHANGED(cls, **kwargs):
        return float("NaN")

    def INPUT_TYPES(s):
        return {
            "required": {
                "positive": ("CONDITIONING", ),
                "negative": ("CONDITIONING", ),
                "images": ("IMAGE", ),
                "model": ("MODEL", ),
                "ipadapter": ("IPADAPTER", ),
                "clip_vision": ("CLIP_VISION",),
                "type_of_frame_distribution": (["linear", "dynamic"],),
                "linear_frame_distribution_value": ("INT", {"default": 16, "min": 4, "max": 64, "step": 1}),     
                "dynamic_frame_distribution_values": ("STRING", {"multiline": True, "default": "0,10,26,40"}),                
                "type_of_key_frame_influence": (["linear", "dynamic"],),
                "linear_key_frame_influence_value": ("STRING", {"multiline": False, "default": "(1.0,1.0)"}),
                "dynamic_key_frame_influence_values": ("STRING", {"multiline": True, "default": "(1.0,1.0),(1.0,1.5)(1.0,0.5)"}),                
                "type_of_strength_distribution": (["linear", "dynamic"],),
                "linear_strength_value": ("STRING", {"multiline": False, "default": "(0.3,0.4)"}),
                "dynamic_strength_values": ("STRING", {"multiline": True, "default": "(0.0,1.0),(0.0,1.0),(0.0,1.0),(0.0,1.0)"}),                                                                                                                                            
                "buffer": ("INT", {"default": 4, "min": 1, "max": 16, "step": 1}),       
                "high_detail_mode": ("BOOLEAN", {"default": True}),                                                                                     
            "optional": {
                "base_ipa_advanced_settings": ("ADVANCED_IPA_SETTINGS",),
                "detail_ipa_advanced_settings": ("ADVANCED_IPA_SETTINGS",),

    FUNCTION = "combined_function"

    CATEGORY = "Steerable-Motion"

    def combined_function(self,positive,negative,images,model,ipadapter,clip_vision,
                          dynamic_frame_distribution_values, type_of_key_frame_influence,linear_key_frame_influence_value,
                          buffer, high_detail_mode,base_ipa_advanced_settings=None,
        # set the matplotlib backend to 'Agg' to prevent crash on macOS
        # 'Agg' is a non-interactive backend that can be used in a non-main thread

        def get_keyframe_positions(type_of_frame_distribution, dynamic_frame_distribution_values, images, linear_frame_distribution_value):
            if type_of_frame_distribution == "dynamic":
                # Check if the input is a string or a list
                if isinstance(dynamic_frame_distribution_values, str):
                    # Parse the keyframe positions, sort them, and then increase each by 1 except the first
                    keyframes = sorted([int(kf.strip()) for kf in dynamic_frame_distribution_values.split(',')])
                elif isinstance(dynamic_frame_distribution_values, list):
                    # Sort the list and then increase each by 1 except the first
                    keyframes = sorted(dynamic_frame_distribution_values)
                # Calculate the number of keyframes based on the total duration and linear_frames_per_keyframe
                # Increase each by 1 except the first
                keyframes = [(i * linear_frame_distribution_value) for i in range(len(images))]

            # Increase all values by 1 except the first
            if len(keyframes) > 1:
                return [keyframes[0]] + [kf + 1 for kf in keyframes[1:]]
                return keyframes

        def create_mask_batch(last_key_frame_position, weights, frames):
            # Hardcoded dimensions
            width, height = 512, 512

            # Map frames to their corresponding reversed weights for easy lookup
            frame_to_weight = {frame: weights[i] for i, frame in enumerate(frames)}

            # Create masks for each frame up to last_key_frame_position
            masks = []
            for frame_number in range(last_key_frame_position):
                # Determine the strength of the mask
                strength = frame_to_weight.get(frame_number, 0.0)

                # Create the mask with the determined strength
                mask = torch.full((height, width), strength)

            # Convert list of masks to a single tensor
            masks_tensor = torch.stack(masks, dim=0)

            return masks_tensor

        def create_weight_batch(last_key_frame_position, weights, frames):

            # Map frames to their corresponding reversed weights for easy lookup
            frame_to_weight = {frame: weights[i] for i, frame in enumerate(frames)}

            # Create weights for each frame up to last_key_frame_position
            weights = []
            for frame_number in range(last_key_frame_position):
                # Determine the strength of the weight
                strength = frame_to_weight.get(frame_number, 0.0)


            return weights

        def plot_weight_comparison(cn_frame_numbers, cn_weights, ipadapter_frame_numbers, ipadapter_weights, buffer):
            plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))

            colors = ['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k']

            # Handle None values for frame numbers and weights
            cn_frame_numbers = cn_frame_numbers if cn_frame_numbers is not None else []
            cn_weights = cn_weights if cn_weights is not None else []
            ipadapter_frame_numbers = ipadapter_frame_numbers if ipadapter_frame_numbers is not None else []
            ipadapter_weights = ipadapter_weights if ipadapter_weights is not None else []

            max_length = max(len(cn_frame_numbers), len(ipadapter_frame_numbers))
            label_counter = 1 if buffer < 0 else 0
            for i in range(max_length):
                if i < len(cn_frame_numbers):
                    label = 'cn_strength_buffer' if (i == 0 and buffer > 0) else f'cn_strength_{label_counter}'
                    plt.plot(cn_frame_numbers[i], cn_weights[i], marker='o', color=colors[i % len(colors)], label=label)

                if i < len(ipadapter_frame_numbers):
                    label = 'ipa_strength_buffer' if (i == 0 and buffer > 0) else f'ipa_strength_{label_counter}'
                    plt.plot(ipadapter_frame_numbers[i], ipadapter_weights[i], marker='x', linestyle='--', color=colors[i % len(colors)], label=label)

                if label_counter == 0 or buffer < 0 or i > 0:
                    label_counter += 1


            # Adjusted generator expression for max_weight
            all_weights = cn_weights + ipadapter_weights
            max_weight = max(max(sublist) for sublist in all_weights if sublist) * 1.5
            plt.ylim(0, max_weight)

            buffer_io = BytesIO()
            plt.savefig(buffer_io, format='png', bbox_inches='tight')

            img =
            img_tensor = transforms.ToTensor()(img)
            img_tensor = img_tensor.unsqueeze(0)
            img_tensor = img_tensor.permute([0, 2, 3, 1])

            return img_tensor,                    

        def extract_strength_values(type_of_key_frame_influence, dynamic_key_frame_influence_values, keyframe_positions, linear_key_frame_influence_value):

            if type_of_key_frame_influence == "dynamic":
                # Process the dynamic_key_frame_influence_values depending on its format
                if isinstance(dynamic_key_frame_influence_values, str):
                    dynamic_values = eval(dynamic_key_frame_influence_values)
                    dynamic_values = dynamic_key_frame_influence_values

                # Iterate through the dynamic values and convert tuples with two values to three values
                dynamic_values_corrected = []
                for value in dynamic_values:
                    if len(value) == 2:
                        value = (value[0], value[1], value[0])

                return dynamic_values_corrected
                # Process for linear or other types
                if len(linear_key_frame_influence_value) == 2:
                    linear_key_frame_influence_value = (linear_key_frame_influence_value[0], linear_key_frame_influence_value[1], linear_key_frame_influence_value[0])
                return [linear_key_frame_influence_value for _ in range(len(keyframe_positions) - 1)]

        def extract_influence_values(type_of_key_frame_influence, dynamic_key_frame_influence_values, keyframe_positions, linear_key_frame_influence_value):
            # Check and convert linear_key_frame_influence_value if it's a float or string float        
            # if it's a string that starts with a parenthesis, convert it to a tuple
            if isinstance(linear_key_frame_influence_value, str) and linear_key_frame_influence_value[0] == "(":
                linear_key_frame_influence_value = eval(linear_key_frame_influence_value)

            if not isinstance(linear_key_frame_influence_value, tuple):
                if isinstance(linear_key_frame_influence_value, (float, str)):
                        value = float(linear_key_frame_influence_value)
                        linear_key_frame_influence_value = (value, value)
                    except ValueError:
                        raise ValueError("linear_key_frame_influence_value must be a float or a string representing a float")

            number_of_outputs = len(keyframe_positions) - 1

            if type_of_key_frame_influence == "dynamic":
                # Convert list of individual float values into tuples
                if all(isinstance(x, float) for x in dynamic_key_frame_influence_values):
                    dynamic_values = [(value, value) for value in dynamic_key_frame_influence_values]
                elif isinstance(dynamic_key_frame_influence_values[0], str) and dynamic_key_frame_influence_values[0] == "(":
                    string_representation = ''.join(dynamic_key_frame_influence_values)
                    dynamic_values = eval(f'[{string_representation}]')
                    dynamic_values = dynamic_key_frame_influence_values if isinstance(dynamic_key_frame_influence_values, list) else [dynamic_key_frame_influence_values]
                return dynamic_values[:number_of_outputs]
                return [linear_key_frame_influence_value for _ in range(number_of_outputs)]

        def calculate_weights(batch_index_from, batch_index_to, strength_from, strength_to, interpolation,revert_direction_at_midpoint, last_key_frame_position,i, number_of_items,buffer):

            # Initialize variables based on the position of the keyframe
            range_start = batch_index_from
            range_end = batch_index_to
            # if it's the first value, set influence range from 1.0 to 0.0

            if i == number_of_items - 1:
                range_end = last_key_frame_position

            steps = range_end - range_start
            diff = strength_to - strength_from

            # Calculate index for interpolation
            index = np.linspace(0, 1, steps // 2 + 1) if revert_direction_at_midpoint else np.linspace(0, 1, steps)

            # Calculate weights based on interpolation type
            if interpolation == "linear":
                weights = np.linspace(strength_from, strength_to, len(index))
            elif interpolation == "ease-in":
                weights = diff * np.power(index, 2) + strength_from
            elif interpolation == "ease-out":
                weights = diff * (1 - np.power(1 - index, 2)) + strength_from
            elif interpolation == "ease-in-out":
                weights = diff * ((1 - np.cos(index * np.pi)) / 2) + strength_from

            if revert_direction_at_midpoint:
                weights = np.concatenate([weights, weights[::-1]])

            # Generate frame numbers
            frame_numbers = np.arange(range_start, range_start + len(weights))

            # "Dropper" component: For keyframes with negative start, drop the weights
            if range_start < 0 and i > 0:
                drop_count = abs(range_start)
                weights = weights[drop_count:]
                frame_numbers = frame_numbers[drop_count:]

            # Dropper component: for keyframes a range_End is greater than last_key_frame_position, drop the weights
            if range_end > last_key_frame_position and i < number_of_items - 1:
                drop_count = range_end - last_key_frame_position
                weights = weights[:-drop_count]
                frame_numbers = frame_numbers[:-drop_count]

            return weights, frame_numbers       

        def process_weights(frame_numbers, weights, multiplier):
            # Multiply weights by the multiplier and apply the bounds of 0.0 and 1.0
            adjusted_weights = [min(max(weight * multiplier, 0.0), 1.0) for weight in weights]

            # Filter out frame numbers and weights where the weight is 0.0
            filtered_frames_and_weights = [(frame, weight) for frame, weight in zip(frame_numbers, adjusted_weights) if weight > 0.0]

            # Separate the filtered frame numbers and weights
            filtered_frame_numbers, filtered_weights = zip(*filtered_frames_and_weights) if filtered_frames_and_weights else ([], [])

            return list(filtered_frame_numbers), list(filtered_weights)

        def calculate_influence_frame_number(key_frame_position, next_key_frame_position, distance):
            # Calculate the absolute distance between key frames
            key_frame_distance = abs(next_key_frame_position - key_frame_position)

            # Apply the distance multiplier
            extended_distance = key_frame_distance * distance

            # Determine the direction of influence based on the positions of the key frames
            if key_frame_position < next_key_frame_position:
                # Normal case: influence extends forward
                influence_frame_number = key_frame_position + extended_distance
                # Reverse case: influence extends backward
                influence_frame_number = key_frame_position - extended_distance

            # Return the result rounded to the nearest integer
            return round(influence_frame_number)

        keyframe_positions = get_keyframe_positions(type_of_frame_distribution, dynamic_frame_distribution_values, images, linear_frame_distribution_value)                                            
        shifted_keyframes_position = [position + buffer - 2 for position in keyframe_positions]
        shifted_keyframe_positions_string = ','.join(str(pos) for pos in shifted_keyframes_position)        

        if buffer > 0:
            # add front buffer
            keyframe_positions = [position + buffer - 1 for position in keyframe_positions]
            keyframe_positions.insert(0, 0)
            # add end buffer
            last_position_with_buffer = keyframe_positions[-1] + buffer + 1

        if base_ipa_advanced_settings is None:
            if high_detail_mode:
                base_ipa_advanced_settings = {
                    "ipa_starts_at": 0.0,
                    "ipa_ends_at": 0.3,
                    "ipa_weight_type": "ease in-out",
                    "ipa_weight": 1.0,
                    "ipa_embeds_scaling": "V only",
                    "ipa_noise_strength": 0.0,                    
                    "use_image_for_noise": False,
                    "type_of_noise": "fade",
                    "noise_blur": 0,
                base_ipa_advanced_settings = {
                    "ipa_starts_at": 0.0,
                    "ipa_ends_at": 0.75,
                    "ipa_weight_type": "ease in-out",
                    "ipa_weight": 1.0,
                    "ipa_embeds_scaling": "V only",
                    "ipa_noise_strength": 0.0,
                    "use_image_for_noise": False,
                    "type_of_noise": "fade",
                    "noise_blur": 0,

        if detail_ipa_advanced_settings is None:
            if high_detail_mode:
                detail_ipa_advanced_settings = {
                    "ipa_starts_at": 0.25,
                    "ipa_ends_at": 0.75,
                    "ipa_weight_type": "ease in-out",
                    "ipa_weight": 1.0,
                    "ipa_embeds_scaling": "V only",
                    "ipa_noise_strength": 0.0,
                    "use_image_for_noise": False,
                    "type_of_noise": "fade",
                    "noise_blur": 0,

        strength_values = extract_strength_values(type_of_strength_distribution, dynamic_strength_values, keyframe_positions, linear_strength_value)                        
        strength_values = [literal_eval(val) if isinstance(val, str) else val for val in strength_values]                
        corrected_strength_values = []
        for val in strength_values:
            if len(val) == 2:
                val = (val[0], val[1], val[0])
        strength_values = corrected_strength_values

        key_frame_influence_values = extract_influence_values(type_of_key_frame_influence, dynamic_key_frame_influence_values, keyframe_positions, linear_key_frame_influence_value)                
        key_frame_influence_values = [literal_eval(val) if isinstance(val, str) else val for val in key_frame_influence_values]        

        if len(keyframe_positions) == 4:
            last_key_frame_position = (keyframe_positions[-1]) - 1
            last_key_frame_position = (keyframe_positions[-1])

        class IPBin:
            def __init__(self):
                self.indicies = []
                self.image_schedule = []
                self.weight_schedule = []
                self.imageBatch = []
                self.bigImageBatch = []
                self.noiseBatch = []
                self.bigNoiseBatch = []

            def length(self):
                return len(self.image_schedule)

            def add(self, image, big_image, noise, big_noise, image_index, frame_numbers, weights):
                # Map frames to their corresponding reversed weights for easy lookup
                frame_to_weight = {frame: weights[i] for i, frame in enumerate(frame_numbers)}
                # Search for image index, if it isn't there add the image
                    index = self.indicies.index(image_index)
                except ValueError:
                    if noise is not None: self.noiseBatch.append(noise) 
                    if big_noise is not None: self.bigNoiseBatch.append(big_noise)
                    index = self.indicies.index(image_index)

                self.image_schedule.extend([index] * (frame_numbers[-1] + 1 - len(self.image_schedule)))
                self.weight_schedule.extend([0] * (frame_numbers[0] - len(self.weight_schedule)))
                self.weight_schedule.extend(frame_to_weight[frame] for frame in range(frame_numbers[0], frame_numbers[-1] + 1))

        all_cn_frame_numbers = []
        all_cn_weights = []
        all_ipa_weights = []
        all_ipa_frame_numbers = []
        # Start with one bin
        bins = [IPBin()]

        for i in range(len(keyframe_positions)):

            keyframe_position = keyframe_positions[i]                                    
            interpolation = "ease-in-out"
            # strength_from = strength_to = 1.0
            image_index = 0    
            if i == 0: # buffer                

                image = images[0]
                image_index = 0
                strength_from = strength_to = strength_values[0][1]                    

                batch_index_from = 0
                batch_index_to_excl = buffer
                weights, frame_numbers = calculate_weights(batch_index_from, batch_index_to_excl, strength_from, strength_to, interpolation, False, last_key_frame_position, i, len(keyframe_positions), buffer)                                    

            elif i == 1: # first image 

                # GET IMAGE AND KEYFRAME INFLUENCE VALUES              
                image = images[i-1]                
                image_index = i-1
                key_frame_influence_from, key_frame_influence_to = key_frame_influence_values[i-1]
                start_strength, mid_strength, end_strength = strength_values[i-1]

                keyframe_position = keyframe_positions[i] + 1
                next_key_frame_position = keyframe_positions[i+1] + 1

                batch_index_from = keyframe_position                
                batch_index_to_excl = calculate_influence_frame_number(keyframe_position, next_key_frame_position, key_frame_influence_to)                
                weights, frame_numbers = calculate_weights(batch_index_from, batch_index_to_excl, mid_strength, end_strength, interpolation, False, last_key_frame_position, i, len(keyframe_positions), buffer)                                    
                # interpolation = "ease-in"                                

            elif i == len(keyframe_positions) - 2: # last image

                image = images[i-1]
                image_index = i - 1
                key_frame_influence_from,key_frame_influence_to = key_frame_influence_values[i-1]       
                start_strength, mid_strength, end_strength = strength_values[i-1]
                if len(keyframe_positions) == 4:
                    keyframe_position = keyframe_positions[i] - 1
                    keyframe_position = keyframe_positions[i]

                previous_key_frame_position = keyframe_positions[i-1]

                batch_index_from = calculate_influence_frame_number(keyframe_position, previous_key_frame_position, key_frame_influence_from)

                batch_index_to_excl = keyframe_position + 1
                weights, frame_numbers = calculate_weights(batch_index_from, batch_index_to_excl, start_strength, mid_strength, interpolation, False, last_key_frame_position, i, len(keyframe_positions), buffer)                                    
                # interpolation =  "ease-out"    

            elif i == len(keyframe_positions) - 1: # buffer

                image = images[i-2]
                image_index = i - 2
                strength_from = strength_to = strength_values[i-2][1]

                if len(keyframe_positions) == 4:
                    batch_index_from = keyframe_positions[i-1]
                    batch_index_to_excl = last_key_frame_position - 1
                    batch_index_from = keyframe_positions[i-1] + 1
                    batch_index_to_excl = last_key_frame_position

                weights, frame_numbers = calculate_weights(batch_index_from, batch_index_to_excl, strength_from, strength_to, interpolation, False, last_key_frame_position, i, len(keyframe_positions), buffer)

            else:  # middle images

                image = images[i-1]
                image_index = i - 1   
                key_frame_influence_from,key_frame_influence_to = key_frame_influence_values[i-1]             
                start_strength, mid_strength, end_strength = strength_values[i-1]
                keyframe_position = keyframe_positions[i]

                previous_key_frame_position = keyframe_positions[i-1]   
                batch_index_from = calculate_influence_frame_number(keyframe_position, previous_key_frame_position, key_frame_influence_from)                
                batch_index_to_excl = keyframe_position + 1
                first_half_weights, first_half_frame_numbers = calculate_weights(batch_index_from, batch_index_to_excl, start_strength, mid_strength, interpolation, False, last_key_frame_position, i, len(keyframe_positions), buffer)                

                # CALCULATE WEIGHTS FOR SECOND HALF                
                next_key_frame_position = keyframe_positions[i+1]
                batch_index_from = keyframe_position
                batch_index_to_excl = calculate_influence_frame_number(keyframe_position, next_key_frame_position, key_frame_influence_to) + 2
                second_half_weights, second_half_frame_numbers = calculate_weights(batch_index_from, batch_index_to_excl, mid_strength, end_strength, interpolation, False, last_key_frame_position, i, len(keyframe_positions), buffer)

                weights = np.concatenate([first_half_weights, second_half_weights])                
                frame_numbers = np.concatenate([first_half_frame_numbers, second_half_frame_numbers])

            # PROCESS WEIGHTS
            ipa_frame_numbers, ipa_weights = process_weights(frame_numbers, weights, 1.0)    

            prepare_for_clip_vision = PrepImageForClipVisionImport()
            prepped_image, = prepare_for_clip_vision.prep_image(image=image.unsqueeze(0), interpolation="LANCZOS", crop_position="pad", sharpening=0.1)

            if base_ipa_advanced_settings["ipa_noise_strength"] > 0:
                if base_ipa_advanced_settings["use_image_for_noise"]:
                    noise_image = prepped_image
                    noise_image = None
                ipa_noise = IPAdapterNoiseImport()
                negative_noise, = ipa_noise.make_noise(type=base_ipa_advanced_settings["type_of_noise"], strength=base_ipa_advanced_settings["ipa_noise_strength"], blur=base_ipa_advanced_settings["noise_blur"], image_optional=noise_image)
                negative_noise = None

            if high_detail_mode and detail_ipa_advanced_settings["ipa_noise_strength"] > 0:
                if detail_ipa_advanced_settings["use_image_for_noise"]:
                    noise_image = image.unsqueeze(0)
                    noise_image = None
                ipa_noise = IPAdapterNoiseImport()
                big_negative_noise, = ipa_noise.make_noise(type=detail_ipa_advanced_settings["type_of_noise"], strength=detail_ipa_advanced_settings["ipa_noise_strength"], blur=detail_ipa_advanced_settings["noise_blur"], image_optional=noise_image)                    
                big_negative_noise = None

            if len(ipa_frame_numbers) > 0:
                # Fill up bins with image frames. Bins will automatically be created when needed but all the frames should be able to be packed into two bins
                active_index = -1
                # Find a bin that we can fit the next image into
                for i, bin in enumerate(bins):
                    if bin.length() <= ipa_frame_numbers[0]:
                        active_index = i
                # If we didn't find a suitable bin, add a new one
                if active_index == -1:
                    active_index = len(bins) - 1

                # Add the image to the bin
                bins[active_index].add(prepped_image, image.unsqueeze(0), negative_noise, big_negative_noise, image_index, ipa_frame_numbers, ipa_weights)


        # Go through the bins and create IPAdapters for them
        for i, bin in enumerate(bins):
            ipadapter_application = IPAdapterBatchImport()
            negative_noise =, dim=0) if len(bin.noiseBatch) > 0 else None
            model, *_ = ipadapter_application.apply_ipadapter(model=model, ipadapter=ipadapter,, dim=0), weight=[x * base_ipa_advanced_settings["ipa_weight"] for x in bin.weight_schedule], weight_type=base_ipa_advanced_settings["ipa_weight_type"], start_at=base_ipa_advanced_settings["ipa_starts_at"], end_at=base_ipa_advanced_settings["ipa_ends_at"], clip_vision=clip_vision,image_negative=negative_noise,embeds_scaling=base_ipa_advanced_settings["ipa_embeds_scaling"], encode_batch_size=1, image_schedule=bin.image_schedule)                
            if high_detail_mode:
                tiled_ipa_application = IPAdapterTiledBatchImport()
                negative_noise =, dim=0) if len(bin.bigNoiseBatch) > 0 else None
                model, *_ = tiled_ipa_application.apply_tiled(model=model, ipadapter=ipadapter,, dim=0), weight=[x * detail_ipa_advanced_settings["ipa_weight"] for x in bin.weight_schedule], weight_type=detail_ipa_advanced_settings["ipa_weight_type"], start_at=detail_ipa_advanced_settings["ipa_starts_at"], end_at=detail_ipa_advanced_settings["ipa_ends_at"], clip_vision=clip_vision,sharpening=0.1,image_negative=negative_noise,embeds_scaling=detail_ipa_advanced_settings["ipa_embeds_scaling"], encode_batch_size=1, image_schedule=bin.image_schedule)

        comparison_diagram, = plot_weight_comparison(all_cn_frame_numbers, all_cn_weights, all_ipa_frame_numbers, all_ipa_weights, buffer)
        return comparison_diagram, positive, negative, model, shifted_keyframe_positions_string, last_key_frame_position, buffer, shifted_keyframes_position