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Deploying Workflows via Salt API


The Deploy to API feature in Salt AI allows you to transform your workflows into production-ready APIs, enabling seamless integration of advanced AI capabilities into your applications.

Key benefits:

  • Scalability: Your deployment can handle increasing loads without compromising performance.
  • Accessibility: Simplify the complex process of deploying an AI workflow with a single click.
  • Speed: Lightning-fast deployments enable rapid iteration of workflows.

Deploying to API

  1. Ensure your workflow is ready for production use.
  2. In the workflow editor, locate and click the Deploy button.
  3. Select the Deploy to API option.
  4. You'll receive a unique endpoint for executing your workflow via API calls.

Deployment Process

Note: The most recent job execution must be successful to proceed with deployment.

Making API Requests

Example cURL Request

curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
  "callback": "",
  "workflow_input": {
    "input_name": {
      "value": "My text input",
      "value_type": "RAW"
    "input_name2": {
      "value": {
        "url": ""
      "value_type": "REFERENCE"

Request Body Structure

  "callback": "<CALLBACK URL>",
  "workflow_input": {
    "<input_name>": {
      "value": "<input_value>",
      "value_type": "<RAW|REFERENCE|ASSET>"

Response to API Request

Upon successful submission, you'll receive a response containing the execution ID:

  "execution_id": "d919a4b6-01cc-4e1a-ad7a-c59a066576b8"

Understanding the SaltInput Node

The SaltInput node is crucial for exposing input parameters in your workflow. Each SaltInput node corresponds to an input property in the workflow_input object of your API request.

Best Practice: Assign unique names to each SaltInput node for easier reference in your API requests. Unnamed nodes will use their node ID (e.g., "14") as the input name.

Supported Value Types

  1. RAW: For basic data types (Strings, Integers, Floats, Booleans)
  2. REFERENCE: For URL inputs
  3. ASSET: For Base64-encoded image or video data

Receiving Results via Webhook

Due to varying execution times, Salt AI delivers results asynchronously through a webhook. Provide a callback URL in your request to receive the final results.

Example Webhook Response

  "output_name": [""],
  "execution_id": "d919a4b6-01cc-4e1a-ad7a-c59a066576b8"


Common Errors

  1. Invalid Input Structure: Occurs when the request body doesn't match the expected format.
  2. Missing Callback URL: Ensure you provide a valid callback URL for receiving results.
  3. Deployment Not Found: Check that you're using the correct deployment ID in your API endpoint.

Example Error Response

  "error": "Invalid input structure",
  "details": "Missing required field 'workflow_input'"

Best Practices

  1. Input Validation: Implement thorough input validation in your workflow to handle unexpected inputs gracefully.
  2. Error Handling: Design your workflow to handle potential errors and provide meaningful error messages.
  3. Versioning: Consider implementing versioning for your deployed APIs to manage changes over time.
  4. Monitoring: Use Salt AI's monitoring tools to track the performance and usage of your deployed workflows.

By following this guide, you can effectively deploy your Salt AI workflows as scalable, production-ready APIs. For further assistance or advanced use cases, please refer to our additional documentation or contact our support team.