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SUPIR First Stage (Denoiser)


  • Class name: SUPIR_first_stage
  • Category: SUPIR
  • Output node: False

The SUPIR_first_stage node is designed for the initial processing of images using the SUPIR model to address compression artifacts and other noise, often resulting in a slightly blurred image. This step is crucial for preparing the image for further enhancement or manipulation by reducing noise and refining details.

Input types


    • Specifies the SUPIR VAE model used for encoding and decoding in the denoising process.
    • Comfy dtype: SUPIRVAE
    • Python dtype: object
  • image
    • The input image to be processed, targeted for noise reduction and detail refinement.
    • Comfy dtype: IMAGE
    • Python dtype: object
  • use_tiled_vae
    • Indicates whether to use a tiled approach for the VAE processing, affecting performance and outcome.
    • Comfy dtype: BOOLEAN
    • Python dtype: bool
  • encoder_tile_size
    • The tile size for the encoder, influencing the granularity of processing.
    • Comfy dtype: INT
    • Python dtype: int
  • decoder_tile_size
    • The tile size for the decoder, affecting the output image resolution and detail.
    • Comfy dtype: INT
    • Python dtype: int
  • encoder_dtype
    • Defines the data type for the encoder, impacting processing precision and efficiency.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: str

Output types

    • Comfy dtype: SUPIRVAE
    • Returns the processed SUPIR VAE model, ready for further stages of image generation.
    • Python dtype: object
  • denoised_image
    • Comfy dtype: IMAGE
    • The output image after initial denoising, typically slightly blurred as part of the process.
    • Python dtype: object
  • denoised_latents
    • Comfy dtype: LATENT
    • The latent representations of the denoised image, useful for further processing steps.
    • Python dtype: object

Usage tips

  • Infra type: GPU
  • Common nodes: unknown

Source code

class SUPIR_first_stage:
    def INPUT_TYPES(s):
        return {"required": {
            "SUPIR_VAE": ("SUPIRVAE",),
            "image": ("IMAGE",),
            "use_tiled_vae": ("BOOLEAN", {"default": True}),
            "encoder_tile_size": ("INT", {"default": 512, "min": 64, "max": 8192, "step": 64}),
            "decoder_tile_size": ("INT", {"default": 512, "min": 64, "max": 8192, "step": 64}),
            "encoder_dtype": (
                    ], {
                        "default": 'auto'

    RETURN_NAMES = ("SUPIR_VAE", "denoised_image", "denoised_latents",)
    FUNCTION = "process"
SUPIR "first stage" processing.
Encodes and decodes the image using SUPIR's "denoise_encoder", purpose  
is to fix compression artifacts and such, ends up blurring the image often  
which is expected. Can be replaced with any other denoiser/blur or not used at all.

    def process(self, SUPIR_VAE, image, encoder_dtype, use_tiled_vae, encoder_tile_size, decoder_tile_size):
        device = mm.get_torch_device()
        if encoder_dtype == 'auto':

                if mm.should_use_bf16():
                    print("Encoder using bf16")
                    vae_dtype = 'bf16'
                    print("Encoder using fp32")
                    vae_dtype = 'fp32'
                raise AttributeError("ComfyUI version too old, can't autodetect properly. Set your dtypes manually.")
            vae_dtype = encoder_dtype
            print(f"Encoder using {vae_dtype}")

        dtype = convert_dtype(vae_dtype)

        if use_tiled_vae:
            from .SUPIR.utils.tilevae import VAEHook
            # Store the `original_forward` only if it hasn't been stored already
            if not hasattr(SUPIR_VAE.encoder, 'original_forward'):
                SUPIR_VAE.denoise_encoder.original_forward = SUPIR_VAE.denoise_encoder.forward
                SUPIR_VAE.decoder.original_forward = SUPIR_VAE.decoder.forward

            SUPIR_VAE.denoise_encoder.forward = VAEHook(
                SUPIR_VAE.denoise_encoder, encoder_tile_size, is_decoder=False, fast_decoder=False,
                fast_encoder=False, color_fix=False, to_gpu=True)

            SUPIR_VAE.decoder.forward = VAEHook(
                SUPIR_VAE.decoder, decoder_tile_size // 8, is_decoder=True, fast_decoder=False,
                fast_encoder=False, color_fix=False, to_gpu=True)
            # Only assign `original_forward` back if it exists
            if hasattr(SUPIR_VAE.denoise_encoder, 'original_forward'):
                SUPIR_VAE.denoise_encoder.forward = SUPIR_VAE.denoise_encoder.original_forward
                SUPIR_VAE.decoder.forward = SUPIR_VAE.decoder.original_forward

        image = image.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
        B, C, H, W = image.shape
        downscale_ratio = 32
        orig_H, orig_W = H, W
        if W % downscale_ratio != 0:
            W = W - (W % downscale_ratio)
        if H % downscale_ratio != 0:
            H = H - (H % downscale_ratio)
        if orig_H % downscale_ratio != 0 or orig_W % downscale_ratio != 0:
            image = F.interpolate(image, size=(H, W), mode="bicubic")
        resized_image =

        pbar = comfy.utils.ProgressBar(B)
        out = []
        out_samples = []
        for img in resized_image:


            autocast_condition = (dtype != torch.float32) and not comfy.model_management.is_device_mps(device)
            with torch.autocast(comfy.model_management.get_autocast_device(device), dtype=dtype) if autocast_condition else nullcontext():

                h = SUPIR_VAE.denoise_encoder(img.unsqueeze(0))
                moments = SUPIR_VAE.quant_conv(h)
                posterior = DiagonalGaussianDistribution(moments)
                sample = posterior.sample()
                decoded_images = SUPIR_VAE.decode(sample).float()

                out_samples.append(sample.cpu() * 0.13025)

        out_stacked =, dim=0).to(torch.float32).permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
        out_samples_stacked =, dim=0)
        original_size = [orig_H, orig_W]
        return (SUPIR_VAE, out_stacked, {"samples": out_samples_stacked, "original_size": original_size},)