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XY Plot Advanced


  • Class name: easy XYPlotAdvanced
  • Category: EasyUse/Pipe
  • Output node: False

The easy XYPlotAdvanced node is designed for advanced plotting capabilities within a pipeline, allowing for the customization of plots based on various conditions and parameters. It integrates complex plotting logic with conditional processing to enhance visualization and analysis of data.

Input types


  • pipe
    • Represents the pipeline configuration to which the advanced XY plotting logic will be applied, serving as the foundation for plot customization and enhancement.
    • Comfy dtype: PIPE_LINE
    • Python dtype: dict
  • grid_spacing
    • Specifies the spacing between grid points in the plot, allowing for fine-tuned control over the plot's visual density and layout.
    • Comfy dtype: INT
    • Python dtype: int
  • output_individuals
    • A boolean parameter that determines whether individual plot elements should be output separately, enabling detailed analysis of each component.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: bool
  • flip_xy
    • A boolean parameter that, when true, swaps the x and y axes of the plot, offering flexibility in how data is presented and analyzed.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: bool


  • X
    • Optional parameter representing the x-axis data and its configuration, allowing for dynamic adjustment of the plot's horizontal axis.
    • Comfy dtype: X_Y
    • Python dtype: dict
  • Y
    • Optional parameter representing the y-axis data and its configuration, allowing for dynamic adjustment of the plot's vertical axis.
    • Comfy dtype: X_Y
    • Python dtype: dict

Output types

  • pipe
    • Comfy dtype: PIPE_LINE
    • Returns the modified pipeline configuration, now including the advanced XY plot settings, facilitating further processing or visualization.
    • Python dtype: dict

Usage tips

  • Infra type: CPU
  • Common nodes: unknown

Source code

class pipeXYPlotAdvanced:
    def INPUT_TYPES(s):
        return {
            "required": {
                "pipe": ("PIPE_LINE",),
                "grid_spacing": ("INT", {"min": 0, "max": 500, "step": 5, "default": 0, }),
                "output_individuals": (["False", "True"], {"default": "False"}),
                "flip_xy": (["False", "True"], {"default": "False"}),
            "optional": {
                "X": ("X_Y",),
                "Y": ("X_Y",),
            "hidden": {"my_unique_id": "UNIQUE_ID"}

    RETURN_NAMES = ("pipe",)
    FUNCTION = "plot"

    CATEGORY = "EasyUse/Pipe"

    def plot(self, pipe, grid_spacing, output_individuals, flip_xy, X=None, Y=None, my_unique_id=None):
        if X != None:
            x_axis = X.get('axis')
            x_values = X.get('values')
            x_axis = "Nothing"
            x_values = [""]
        if Y != None:
            y_axis = Y.get('axis')
            y_values = Y.get('values')
            y_axis = "Nothing"
            y_values = [""]

        if pipe is not None:
            new_pipe = pipe
            positive = pipe["loader_settings"]["positive"] if "positive" in pipe["loader_settings"] else ""
            negative = pipe["loader_settings"]["negative"] if "negative" in pipe["loader_settings"] else ""

            if x_axis == 'advanced: ModelMergeBlocks':
                models = X.get('models')
                vae_use = X.get('vae_use')
                if models is None:
                    raise Exception("models is not found")
                new_pipe['loader_settings'] = {
                    "models": models,
                    "vae_use": vae_use
            if y_axis == 'advanced: ModelMergeBlocks':
                models = Y.get('models')
                vae_use = Y.get('vae_use')
                if models is None:
                    raise Exception("models is not found")
                new_pipe['loader_settings'] = {
                    "models": models,
                    "vae_use": vae_use

            if x_axis in ['advanced: Lora', 'advanced: Checkpoint']:
                lora_stack = X.get('lora_stack')
                _lora_stack = []
                if lora_stack is not None:
                    for lora in lora_stack:
                            {"lora_name": lora[0], "model": pipe['model'], "clip": pipe['clip'], "model_strength": lora[1],
                             "clip_strength": lora[2]})
                del lora_stack
                x_values = "; ".join(x_values)
                lora_stack = pipe['lora_stack'] + _lora_stack if 'lora_stack' in pipe else _lora_stack
                new_pipe['loader_settings'] = {
                    "lora_stack": lora_stack,

            if y_axis in ['advanced: Lora', 'advanced: Checkpoint']:
                lora_stack = Y.get('lora_stack')
                _lora_stack = []
                if lora_stack is not None:
                    for lora in lora_stack:
                            {"lora_name": lora[0], "model": pipe['model'], "clip": pipe['clip'], "model_strength": lora[1],
                             "clip_strength": lora[2]})
                del lora_stack
                y_values = "; ".join(y_values)
                lora_stack = pipe['lora_stack'] + _lora_stack if 'lora_stack' in pipe else _lora_stack
                new_pipe['loader_settings'] = {
                    "lora_stack": lora_stack,

            if x_axis == 'advanced: Seeds++ Batch':
                if new_pipe['seed']:
                    value = x_values
                    x_values = []
                    for index in range(value):
                        x_values.append(str(new_pipe['seed'] + index))
                    x_values = "; ".join(x_values)
            if y_axis == 'advanced: Seeds++ Batch':
                if new_pipe['seed']:
                    value = y_values
                    y_values = []
                    for index in range(value):
                        y_values.append(str(new_pipe['seed'] + index))
                    y_values = "; ".join(y_values)

            if x_axis == 'advanced: Positive Prompt S/R':
                if positive:
                    x_value = x_values
                    x_values = []
                    for index, value in enumerate(x_value):
                        search_txt, replace_txt, replace_all = value
                        if replace_all:
                            txt = replace_txt if replace_txt is not None else positive
                            txt = positive.replace(search_txt, replace_txt, 1) if replace_txt is not None else positive
                    x_values = "; ".join(x_values)
            if y_axis == 'advanced: Positive Prompt S/R':
                if positive:
                    y_value = y_values
                    y_values = []
                    for index, value in enumerate(y_value):
                        search_txt, replace_txt, replace_all = value
                        if replace_all:
                            txt = replace_txt if replace_txt is not None else positive
                            txt = positive.replace(search_txt, replace_txt, 1) if replace_txt is not None else positive
                    y_values = "; ".join(y_values)

            if x_axis == 'advanced: Negative Prompt S/R':
                if negative:
                    x_value = x_values
                    x_values = []
                    for index, value in enumerate(x_value):
                        search_txt, replace_txt, replace_all = value
                        if replace_all:
                            txt = replace_txt if replace_txt is not None else negative
                            txt = negative.replace(search_txt, replace_txt, 1) if replace_txt is not None else negative
                    x_values = "; ".join(x_values)
            if y_axis == 'advanced: Negative Prompt S/R':
                if negative:
                    y_value = y_values
                    y_values = []
                    for index, value in enumerate(y_value):
                        search_txt, replace_txt, replace_all = value
                        if replace_all:
                            txt = replace_txt if replace_txt is not None else negative
                            txt = negative.replace(search_txt, replace_txt, 1) if replace_txt is not None else negative
                    y_values = "; ".join(y_values)

            if "advanced: ControlNet" in x_axis:
                x_value = x_values
                x_values = []
                cnet = []
                for index, value in enumerate(x_value):
                x_values = "; ".join(x_values)
                new_pipe['loader_settings'] = {
                    "cnet_stack": cnet,

            if "advanced: ControlNet" in y_axis:
                y_value = y_values
                y_values = []
                cnet = []
                for index, value in enumerate(y_value):
                y_values = "; ".join(y_values)
                new_pipe['loader_settings'] = {
                    "cnet_stack": cnet,

            if "advanced: Pos Condition" in x_axis:
                x_values = "; ".join(x_values)
                cond = X.get('cond')
                new_pipe['loader_settings'] = {
                    "positive_cond_stack": cond,
            if "advanced: Pos Condition" in y_axis:
                y_values = "; ".join(y_values)
                cond = Y.get('cond')
                new_pipe['loader_settings'] = {
                    "positive_cond_stack": cond,

            if "advanced: Neg Condition" in x_axis:
                x_values = "; ".join(x_values)
                cond = X.get('cond')
                new_pipe['loader_settings'] = {
                    "negative_cond_stack": cond,
            if "advanced: Neg Condition" in y_axis:
                y_values = "; ".join(y_values)
                cond = Y.get('cond')
                new_pipe['loader_settings'] = {
                    "negative_cond_stack": cond,

            del pipe

        return pipeXYPlot().plot(grid_spacing, output_individuals, flip_xy, x_axis, x_values, y_axis, y_values, new_pipe)