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Load AnimateLCM-I2V Model 🎭🅐🅓②


  • Class name: ADE_LoadAnimateLCMI2VModel
  • Category: Animate Diff 🎭🅐🅓/② Gen2 nodes ②/AnimateLCM-I2V
  • Output node: False

The ADE_LoadAnimateLCMI2VModel node is designed to load and prepare AnimateLCM-I2V motion models for animation processes. It ensures that the selected motion model is compatible with the AnimateLCM-I2V format and has an image encoder, facilitating the integration of motion models into the animation workflow.

Input types


  • model_name
    • Specifies the name of the motion model to be loaded, ensuring that the model is available and compatible with the AnimateLCM-I2V format.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: str


  • ad_settings
    • Optional settings for the Animate Diff process that can be applied to the motion model, allowing for customization of the animation.
    • Comfy dtype: AD_SETTINGS
    • Python dtype: AnimateDiffSettings or None

Output types

    • Comfy dtype: MOTION_MODEL_ADE
    • The loaded motion model, ready for use in animation processes.
    • Python dtype: MotionModelPatcher
  • encoder_only
    • Comfy dtype: MOTION_MODEL_ADE
    • A version of the motion model that only includes the encoder, useful for specific animation tasks.
    • Python dtype: MotionModelPatcher

Usage tips

  • Infra type: CPU
  • Common nodes: unknown

Source code

class LoadAnimateLCMI2VModelNode:
    def INPUT_TYPES(s):
        return {
            "required": {
                "model_name": (get_available_motion_models(),),
            "optional": {
                "ad_settings": ("AD_SETTINGS",),

    RETURN_NAMES = ("MOTION_MODEL", "encoder_only")
    CATEGORY = "Animate Diff 🎭🅐🅓/② Gen2 nodes ②/AnimateLCM-I2V"
    FUNCTION = "load_motion_model"

    def load_motion_model(self, model_name: str, ad_settings: AnimateDiffSettings=None):
        # load motion module and motion settings, if included
        motion_model = load_motion_module_gen2(model_name=model_name, motion_model_settings=ad_settings)
        # make sure model is an AnimateLCM-I2V model
        if motion_model.model.mm_info.mm_format != AnimateDiffFormat.ANIMATELCM:
            raise Exception(f"Motion model '{motion_model.model.mm_info.mm_name}' is not an AnimateLCM-I2V model; selected model is not AnimateLCM, and does not contain an img_encoder.")
        if motion_model.model.img_encoder is None:
            raise Exception(f"Motion model '{motion_model.model.mm_info.mm_name}' is not an AnimateLCM-I2V model; selected model IS AnimateLCM, but does NOT contain an img_encoder.")
        # create encoder-only motion model
        encoder_only_motion_model = create_fresh_encoder_only_model(motion_model=motion_model)
        return (motion_model, encoder_only_motion_model)