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  • Class name: easy cascadeLoader
  • Category: EasyUse/Loaders
  • Output node: False

The cascadeLoader node is designed to facilitate the loading and initialization of models for cascading generation processes. It abstracts the complexities involved in setting up the necessary components for cascade-based model operations, aiming to streamline the process of model preparation for subsequent generative tasks.

Input types


  • stage_c
    • Specifies the 'C' stage latent representation required for the cascade process, indicating the initial layer of image generation.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]
  • stage_b
    • Denotes the 'B' stage latent representation in the cascade process, serving as an intermediate layer for further image detail enhancement.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]
  • stage_a
    • Indicates the 'A' stage latent representation, setting the foundation for the cascade process.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: List[str]
  • clip_name
    • Specifies the CLIP model to be used in the cascade process, influencing the direction of image generation.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: List[str]
  • lora_name
    • Selects the LoRA model for adjustment of model parameters, enhancing the cascade process.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: List[str]
  • lora_model_strength
    • Determines the strength of the LoRA model adjustments, impacting the final image generation.
    • Comfy dtype: FLOAT
    • Python dtype: float
  • lora_clip_strength
    • Sets the strength of CLIP guidance in the LoRA model, affecting the image's adherence to textual descriptions.
    • Comfy dtype: FLOAT
    • Python dtype: float
  • resolution
    • Specifies the desired resolution for the output of the cascade process, formatted as strings indicating width and height (e.g., '1024 x 768'). This parameter is crucial for determining the size of the generated images and ensuring they meet the user's requirements.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: List[str]
  • empty_latent_width
    • Defines the width of the empty latent space to be used in the cascade process, affecting the dimensions of the generated image.
    • Comfy dtype: INT
    • Python dtype: int
  • empty_latent_height
    • Defines the height of the empty latent space to be used in the cascade process, affecting the dimensions of the generated image.
    • Comfy dtype: INT
    • Python dtype: int
  • compression
    • Sets the compression level for the latent representations, influencing the detail and size of the generated images.
    • Comfy dtype: INT
    • Python dtype: int
  • positive
    • The positive textual prompt guiding the image generation process towards desired characteristics.
    • Comfy dtype: STRING
    • Python dtype: str
  • negative
    • The negative textual prompt guiding the image generation away from undesired characteristics.
    • Comfy dtype: STRING
    • Python dtype: str
  • batch_size
    • Specifies the number of images to be generated in a single batch, affecting the cascade process's efficiency.
    • Comfy dtype: INT
    • Python dtype: int


  • optional_lora_stack
    • Optionally includes a stack of LoRA models for enhanced customization of the cascade process.
    • Comfy dtype: LORA_STACK
    • Python dtype: List[str]

Output types

  • pipe
    • Comfy dtype: PIPE_LINE
    • The complete pipeline configuration for the cascade process, encapsulating all stages and model settings.
    • Python dtype: Dict[str, Any]
  • model_c
    • Comfy dtype: MODEL
    • The model configuration for the 'C' stage of the cascade process, essential for initiating the image generation.
    • Python dtype: Dict[str, Any]
  • latent_c
    • Comfy dtype: LATENT
    • The latent representation at the 'C' stage, forming the basis for subsequent image generation stages.
    • Python dtype: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]
  • vae
    • Comfy dtype: VAE
    • The VAE model used in the cascade process, crucial for encoding and decoding images.
    • Python dtype: Dict[str, Any]

Usage tips

  • Infra type: CPU
  • Common nodes: unknown

Source code

class cascadeLoader:
    def __init__(self):

    def INPUT_TYPES(s):
        resolution_strings = [f"{width} x {height}" for width, height in BASE_RESOLUTIONS]

        return {"required": {
            "stage_c": (folder_paths.get_filename_list("unet") + folder_paths.get_filename_list("checkpoints"),),
            "stage_b": (folder_paths.get_filename_list("unet") + folder_paths.get_filename_list("checkpoints"),),
            "stage_a": (["Baked VAE"]+folder_paths.get_filename_list("vae"),),
            "clip_name": (["None"] + folder_paths.get_filename_list("clip"),),

            "lora_name": (["None"] + folder_paths.get_filename_list("loras"),),
            "lora_model_strength": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.0, "min": -10.0, "max": 10.0, "step": 0.01}),
            "lora_clip_strength": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.0, "min": -10.0, "max": 10.0, "step": 0.01}),

            "resolution": (resolution_strings, {"default": "1024 x 1024"}),
            "empty_latent_width": ("INT", {"default": 1024, "min": 16, "max": MAX_RESOLUTION, "step": 8}),
            "empty_latent_height": ("INT", {"default": 1024, "min": 16, "max": MAX_RESOLUTION, "step": 8}),
            "compression": ("INT", {"default": 42, "min": 32, "max": 64, "step": 1}),

            "positive": ("STRING", {"default": "Positive", "multiline": True}),
            "negative": ("STRING", {"default": "", "multiline": True}),

            "batch_size": ("INT", {"default": 1, "min": 1, "max": 64}),
            "optional": {"optional_lora_stack": ("LORA_STACK",), },
            "hidden": {"prompt": "PROMPT", "my_unique_id": "UNIQUE_ID"}

    RETURN_NAMES = ("pipe", "model_c", "latent_c", "vae")

    FUNCTION = "adv_pipeloader"
    CATEGORY = "EasyUse/Loaders"

    def is_ckpt(self, name):
        is_ckpt = False
        path = folder_paths.get_full_path("checkpoints", name)
        if path is not None:
            is_ckpt = True
        return is_ckpt

    def adv_pipeloader(self, stage_c, stage_b, stage_a, clip_name, lora_name, lora_model_strength, lora_clip_strength,
                       resolution, empty_latent_width, empty_latent_height, compression,
                       positive, negative, batch_size, optional_lora_stack=None,prompt=None,

        vae: VAE | None = None
        model_c: ModelPatcher | None = None
        model_b: ModelPatcher | None = None
        clip: CLIP | None = None
        can_load_lora = True
        pipe_lora_stack = []

        # resolution
        if resolution != "自定义 x 自定义":
                width, height = map(int, resolution.split(' x '))
                empty_latent_width = width
                empty_latent_height = height
            except ValueError:
                raise ValueError("Invalid base_resolution format.")

        # Create Empty Latent
        latent_c = torch.zeros([batch_size, 16, empty_latent_height // compression, empty_latent_width // compression])
        latent_b = torch.zeros([batch_size, 4, empty_latent_height // 4, empty_latent_width // 4])

        samples = ({"samples": latent_c}, {"samples": latent_b})

        # Clean models from loaded_objects

        if self.is_ckpt(stage_c):
            model_c, clip, vae_c, clip_vision = easyCache.load_checkpoint(stage_c)
            model_c = easyCache.load_unet(stage_c)
            vae_c = None
        if self.is_ckpt(stage_b):
            model_b, clip, vae_b, clip_vision = easyCache.load_checkpoint(stage_b)
            model_b = easyCache.load_unet(stage_b)
            vae_b = None

        if optional_lora_stack is not None and can_load_lora:
            for lora in optional_lora_stack:
                lora = {"lora_name": lora[0], "model": model_c, "clip": clip, "model_strength": lora[1], "clip_strength": lora[2]}
                model_c, clip = easyCache.load_lora(lora)
                lora['model'] = model_c
                lora['clip'] = clip

        if lora_name != "None" and can_load_lora:
            lora = {"lora_name": lora_name, "model": model_c, "clip": clip, "model_strength": lora_model_strength,
                    "clip_strength": lora_clip_strength}
            model_c, clip = easyCache.load_lora(lora)

        model = (model_c, model_b)
        # Load clip
        if clip_name != 'None':
            clip = easyCache.load_clip(clip_name, "stable_cascade")
        # Load vae
        if stage_a not in ["Baked VAE", "Baked-VAE"]:
            vae_b = easyCache.load_vae(stage_a)

        vae = (vae_c, vae_b)
        # 判断是否连接 styles selector
        is_positive_linked_styles_selector = is_linked_styles_selector(prompt, my_unique_id, 'positive')
        is_negative_linked_styles_selector = is_linked_styles_selector(prompt, my_unique_id, 'negative')

        positive_seed = find_wildcards_seed(my_unique_id, positive, prompt)
        model_c, clip, positive, positive_decode, show_positive_prompt, pipe_lora_stack = process_with_loras(positive,
                                                                                                           model_c, clip,
        positive_wildcard_prompt = positive_decode if show_positive_prompt or is_positive_linked_styles_selector else ""
        negative_seed = find_wildcards_seed(my_unique_id, negative, prompt)
        model_c, clip, negative, negative_decode, show_negative_prompt, pipe_lora_stack = process_with_loras(negative,
                                                                                                           model_c, clip,
        negative_wildcard_prompt = negative_decode if show_negative_prompt or is_negative_linked_styles_selector else ""

        tokens = clip.tokenize(positive)
        cond, pooled = clip.encode_from_tokens(tokens, return_pooled=True)
        positive_embeddings_final = [[cond, {"pooled_output": pooled}]]

        tokens = clip.tokenize(negative)
        cond, pooled = clip.encode_from_tokens(tokens, return_pooled=True)
        negative_embeddings_final = [[cond, {"pooled_output": pooled}]]

        image = easySampler.pil2tensor('RGB', (1, 1), (0, 0, 0)))

        pipe = {
            "model": model,
            "positive": positive_embeddings_final,
            "negative": negative_embeddings_final,
            "vae": vae,
            "clip": clip,

            "samples": samples,
            "images": image,
            "seed": 0,

            "loader_settings": {
                "vae_name": stage_a,

                "lora_stack": pipe_lora_stack,

                "refiner_ckpt_name": None,
                "refiner_vae_name": None,
                "refiner_lora_name": None,
                "refiner_lora_model_strength": None,
                "refiner_lora_clip_strength": None,

                "positive": positive,
                "positive_l": None,
                "positive_g": None,
                "positive_token_normalization": 'none',
                "positive_weight_interpretation": 'comfy',
                "positive_balance": None,
                "negative": negative,
                "negative_l": None,
                "negative_g": None,
                "negative_token_normalization": 'none',
                "negative_weight_interpretation": 'comfy',
                "negative_balance": None,
                "empty_latent_width": empty_latent_width,
                "empty_latent_height": empty_latent_height,
                "batch_size": batch_size,
                "seed": 0,
                "empty_samples": samples,
                "compression": compression

        return {"ui": {"positive": positive_wildcard_prompt, "negative": negative_wildcard_prompt},
                "result": (pipe, model_c, model_b, vae)}