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Latent Keyframe Group 🛂🅐🅒🅝


  • Class name: LatentKeyframeGroup
  • Category: Adv-ControlNet 🛂🅐🅒🅝/keyframes
  • Output node: False

The LatentKeyframeGroup class manages a collection of keyframes, allowing for the addition, retrieval, and cloning of keyframe objects based on their batch index. It supports sorting keyframes by their batch index, ensuring an organized sequence for operations that depend on the temporal order of keyframes.

Input types


  • index_strengths
    • A multiline string input specifying the indices and strengths for keyframes to be loaded or manipulated, enabling dynamic keyframe management based on user-defined criteria.
    • Comfy dtype: STRING
    • Python dtype: str


  • prev_latent_kf
    • An optional input representing a previous LatentKeyframeGroup object, allowing for the continuation or modification of an existing sequence of keyframes.
    • Comfy dtype: LATENT_KEYFRAME
    • Python dtype: LatentKeyframeGroup
  • latent_optional
    • An optional latent input for operations that may require additional latent information not provided by the default keyframe parameters.
    • Comfy dtype: LATENT
    • Python dtype: Latent
  • print_keyframes
    • A boolean flag to enable or disable printing of keyframe information, useful for debugging or informational purposes.
    • Comfy dtype: BOOLEAN
    • Python dtype: bool
  • autosize
    • An optional parameter to automatically adjust the size of the keyframe group, with a specified padding for flexibility in keyframe management.
    • Comfy dtype: ACNAUTOSIZE
    • Python dtype: ACNAUTOSIZE

Output types

    • Comfy dtype: LATENT_KEYFRAME
    • The output is a LatentKeyframeGroup object, representing the updated collection of keyframes after the operation.
    • Python dtype: LatentKeyframeGroup

Usage tips

  • Infra type: CPU
  • Common nodes: unknown

Source code

class LatentKeyframeGroupNode:
    def INPUT_TYPES(s):
        return {
            "required": {
                "index_strengths": ("STRING", {"multiline": True, "default": ""}),
            "optional": {
                "prev_latent_kf": ("LATENT_KEYFRAME", ),
                "latent_optional": ("LATENT", ),
                "print_keyframes": ("BOOLEAN", {"default": False}),
                "autosize": ("ACNAUTOSIZE", {"padding": 35}),

    FUNCTION = "load_keyframes"

    CATEGORY = "Adv-ControlNet 🛂🅐🅒🅝/keyframes"

    def validate_index(self, index: int, latent_count: int = 0, is_range: bool = False, allow_negative = False) -> int:
        # if part of range, do nothing
        if is_range:
            return index
        # otherwise, validate index
        # validate not out of range - only when latent_count is passed in
        if latent_count > 0 and index > latent_count-1:
            raise IndexError(f"Index '{index}' out of range for the total {latent_count} latents.")
        # if negative, validate not out of range
        if index < 0:
            if not allow_negative:
                raise IndexError(f"Negative indeces not allowed, but was {index}.")
            conv_index = latent_count+index
            if conv_index < 0:
                raise IndexError(f"Index '{index}', converted to '{conv_index}' out of range for the total {latent_count} latents.")
            index = conv_index
        return index

    def convert_to_index_int(self, raw_index: str, latent_count: int = 0, is_range: bool = False, allow_negative = False) -> int:
            return self.validate_index(int(raw_index), latent_count=latent_count, is_range=is_range, allow_negative=allow_negative)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError(f"index '{raw_index}' must be an integer.", e)

    def convert_to_latent_keyframes(self, latent_indeces: str, latent_count: int) -> set[LatentKeyframe]:
        if not latent_indeces:
            return set()
        int_latent_indeces = [i for i in range(0, latent_count)]
        allow_negative = latent_count > 0
        chosen_indeces = set()
        # parse string - allow positive ints, negative ints, and ranges separated by ':'
        groups = latent_indeces.split(",")
        groups = [g.strip() for g in groups]
        for g in groups:
            # parse strengths - default to 1.0 if no strength given
            strength = 1.0
            if '=' in g:
                g, strength_str = g.split("=", 1)
                g = g.strip()
                    strength = float(strength_str.strip())
                except ValueError as e:
                    raise ValueError(f"strength '{strength_str}' must be a float.", e)
                if strength < 0:
                    raise ValueError(f"Strength '{strength}' cannot be negative.")
            # parse range of indeces (e.g. 2:16)
            if ':' in g:
                index_range = g.split(":", 1)
                index_range = [r.strip() for r in index_range]
                start_index = self.convert_to_index_int(index_range[0], latent_count=latent_count, is_range=True, allow_negative=allow_negative)
                end_index = self.convert_to_index_int(index_range[1], latent_count=latent_count, is_range=True, allow_negative=allow_negative)
                # if latents were passed in, base indeces on known latent count
                if len(int_latent_indeces) > 0:
                    for i in int_latent_indeces[start_index:end_index]:
                        chosen_indeces.add(LatentKeyframe(i, strength))
                # otherwise, assume indeces are valid
                    for i in range(start_index, end_index):
                        chosen_indeces.add(LatentKeyframe(i, strength))
            # parse individual indeces
                chosen_indeces.add(LatentKeyframe(self.convert_to_index_int(g, latent_count=latent_count, allow_negative=allow_negative), strength))
        return chosen_indeces

    def load_keyframes(self,
                       index_strengths: str,
                       prev_latent_kf: LatentKeyframeGroup=None,
                       prev_latent_keyframe: LatentKeyframeGroup=None, # old name
        prev_latent_keyframe = prev_latent_keyframe if prev_latent_keyframe else prev_latent_kf
        if not prev_latent_keyframe:
            prev_latent_keyframe = LatentKeyframeGroup()
            prev_latent_keyframe = prev_latent_keyframe.clone()
        curr_latent_keyframe = LatentKeyframeGroup()

        latent_count = -1
        if latent_image_opt:
            latent_count = latent_image_opt['samples'].size()[0]
        latent_keyframes = self.convert_to_latent_keyframes(index_strengths, latent_count=latent_count)

        for latent_keyframe in latent_keyframes:

        if print_keyframes:
            for keyframe in curr_latent_keyframe.keyframes:
      "LatentKeyframe {keyframe.batch_index}={keyframe.strength}")

        # replace values with prev_latent_keyframes
        for latent_keyframe in prev_latent_keyframe.keyframes:

        return (curr_latent_keyframe,)