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  • Class name: CreateRequestMetadata
  • Category: Bmad/api
  • Output node: True

This node is responsible for creating and managing a JSON file that contains metadata about a request. It provides functionalities to update request data, add resources to the request, and manage the request's state, ensuring that there is only one instance of this node per prompt to avoid conflicts.

Input types


  • request_id
    • The unique identifier for the request. It is crucial for tracking and managing the request throughout its lifecycle.
    • Comfy dtype: STRING
    • Python dtype: str

Output types

The node doesn't have output types

Usage tips

  • Infra type: CPU
  • Common nodes: unknown

Source code

class CreateRequestMetadata:
    Creates a json file with information pertaining to the prompt request.
    Also implements static methods to access and modify this json.
    There should only be ONE instance of this node in a prompt.

    request_id = None
    output_dir = ""

    def __init__(self):
        self.type = "output"

    def INPUT_TYPES(s):
        return {"required": {
            "request_id": ("STRING", {"default": "insert_id"})

    FUNCTION = "update_outdata"
    CATEGORY = "Bmad/api"
    OUTPUT_NODE = True

    def get_and_validate_requestID():
        if CreateRequestMetadata.request_id == None:
            raise ("Request ID was not set. CreateRequestMetadata node might be missing.")
        if CreateRequestMetadata.request_id == "":
            raise (
                "Request ID was set to empty. Check if it is being properly set to avoid conflicts with subsequent requests.")
        return CreateRequestMetadata.request_id

    def get_request_status_file_name():
        return f"{CreateRequestMetadata.request_id}.json"

    def get_request_status_file_path():
        file = CreateRequestMetadata.get_request_status_file_name()
        filename = os.path.join(CreateRequestMetadata.output_dir, file)
        return filename

    def get_request_metadata():
        filename = CreateRequestMetadata.get_request_status_file_path()
            with open(filename, 'r') as f:
                data = json.load(f)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            print(f"\033[91mMetadata file not found: {filename}\033[00m")
            return None
        return data

    def add_resource(resource_name, resource_filename):
        filename = CreateRequestMetadata.get_request_status_file_path()
            with open(filename, 'r') as f:
                data = json.load(f)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            print(f"\033[91mMetadata file not found: {filename}\033[00m")

        resource_index = next((index for index, value in enumerate(data["outputs"]) if value["name"] == resource_name),
        resource_already_registered = resource_index != -1

        if not resource_already_registered:
            data["outputs"].append({"name": resource_name, "resource": [resource_filename]})

        with open(filename, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(data, f)

    def add_resource_list(resource_name, resource_filenames):
        filename = CreateRequestMetadata.get_request_status_file_path()
            with open(filename, 'r') as f:
                data = json.load(f)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            print(f"\033[91mMetadata file not found: {filename}\033[00m")

        resource_index = next((index for index, value in enumerate(data["outputs"]) if value["name"] == resource_name),
        resource_already_registered = resource_index != -1

        if not resource_already_registered:
            data["outputs"].append({"name": resource_name, "resource": resource_filenames})

        with open(filename, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(data, f)

    def update_request_state(state):
        filename = CreateRequestMetadata.get_request_status_file_path()
            with open(filename, 'r') as f:
                data = json.load(f)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            print(f"\033[91mMetadata file not found: {filename}\033[00m")

        data["state"] = "complete"
        with open(filename, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(data, f)

    def set_error_state(message):
        filename = CreateRequestMetadata.get_request_status_file_path()
            with open(filename, 'r') as f:
                data = json.load(f)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            print(f"\033[91mMetadata file not found: {filename}\033[00m")

        data["state"] = "failed"
        data["error"] = message

        with open(filename, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(data, f)

        raise Exception(message)

    def update_outdata(self, request_id):
        if request_id == "insert_id":
            raise (
                "Request ID in CreateRequestMetadata node with value: 'insert_id'. You might not be setting it properly or might have more than one CreateRequestMetadata node in your workflow/node.")

        if CreateRequestMetadata.request_id == request_id:
            raise (
                "Request ID is equal to previously set ID. You may have more than one CreateRequestMetadata node in your workflow/prompt.")

        # no problems found, set the request id
        CreateRequestMetadata.request_id = request_id
        CreateRequestMetadata.output_dir = folder_paths.get_output_directory()

        # get output path
        filename = CreateRequestMetadata.get_request_status_file_path()

        # write request status to json file
        request_info = {"state": "started", "outputs": []}
        with open(filename, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(request_info, f)

        return ()