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  • Class name: GLIGENTextBoxApplyBatch
  • Category: KJNodes/experimental
  • Output node: False

The GLIGENTextBoxApplyBatch node is designed for batch processing of text box applications, enabling the efficient application of text overlays or modifications across multiple images or frames in a batch operation. This node streamlines the process of adding text to images, making it ideal for scenarios where consistent text elements need to be applied to a series of images, such as in video frames or a collection of related images.

Input types


  • conditioning_to
    • This input specifies the target conditioning data to which the text box modifications will be applied, serving as the foundation for the text overlay process.
    • Comfy dtype: CONDITIONING
    • Python dtype: list
  • latents
    • The 'latents' input provides the latent representations of images in the batch, which are used as the basis for applying text box modifications.
    • Comfy dtype: LATENT
    • Python dtype: list
  • clip
    • This input represents the CLIP model used for encoding text inputs, facilitating the generation of text-based features that are applied to the images.
    • Comfy dtype: CLIP
    • Python dtype: object
  • gligen_textbox_model
    • The 'gligen_textbox_model' input specifies the model used for generating the text box overlays, enabling the customization and application of text to the images.
    • Comfy dtype: GLIGEN
    • Python dtype: object
  • text
    • The 'text' input allows for specifying the text content to be applied across the batch of images, serving as the primary content for text overlays or modifications.
    • Comfy dtype: STRING
    • Python dtype: str
  • width
    • This input defines the width of the text box overlay, allowing for customization of the overlay size relative to the images.
    • Comfy dtype: INT
    • Python dtype: int
  • height
    • The 'height' input specifies the height of the text box overlay, enabling precise control over the overlay dimensions.
    • Comfy dtype: INT
    • Python dtype: int
  • coordinates
    • The 'coordinates' input provides the positioning information for the text box overlays, dictating where on the images the text will be applied.
    • Comfy dtype: STRING
    • Python dtype: tuple
  • interpolation
    • This input determines the interpolation method used for text box application, affecting the smoothness and blending of the text overlay on the images.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: str

Output types

  • conditioning
    • Comfy dtype: CONDITIONING
    • The output 'conditioning' reflects the modified conditioning data after the application of text box overlays, incorporating the text modifications into the conditioning framework.
    • Python dtype: list
  • image
    • Comfy dtype: IMAGE
    • The 'image' output showcases the final images with the applied text box overlays, demonstrating the visual modifications made to the batch of images.
    • Python dtype: list

Usage tips

  • Infra type: CPU
  • Common nodes: unknown

Source code

class GLIGENTextBoxApplyBatch:
    def INPUT_TYPES(s):
        return {"required": {"conditioning_to": ("CONDITIONING", ),
                              "latents": ("LATENT", ),
                              "clip": ("CLIP", ),
                              "gligen_textbox_model": ("GLIGEN", ),
                              "text": ("STRING", {"multiline": True}),
                              "width": ("INT", {"default": 64, "min": 8, "max": MAX_RESOLUTION, "step": 8}),
                              "height": ("INT", {"default": 64, "min": 8, "max": MAX_RESOLUTION, "step": 8}),
                              "coordinates": ("STRING", {"multiline": True}),
                              "interpolation": (
                                "default": 'CubicSpline'
    FUNCTION = "append"
    CATEGORY = "KJNodes/experimental"
Experimental, does not function yet as ComfyUI base changes are needed

    def append(self, latents, conditioning_to, clip, gligen_textbox_model, text, width, height, coordinates, interpolation):

        coordinates_dict = parse_coordinates(coordinates)
        batch_size = sum(tensor.size(0) for tensor in latents.values())
        c = []
        cond, cond_pooled = clip.encode_from_tokens(clip.tokenize(text), return_pooled=True)

        # Interpolate coordinates for the entire batch
        if interpolation == 'CubicSpline':
            interpolated_coords = interpolate_coordinates_with_curves(coordinates_dict, batch_size)
        if interpolation == 'straight':
            interpolated_coords = interpolate_coordinates(coordinates_dict, batch_size)

        plot_image_tensor = plot_to_tensor(coordinates_dict, interpolated_coords, 512, 512, height)
        for t in conditioning_to:
            n = [t[0], t[1].copy()]

            position_params_batch = [[] for _ in range(batch_size)]  # Initialize a list of empty lists for each batch item

            for i in range(batch_size):
                x_position, y_position = interpolated_coords[i] 
                position_param = (cond_pooled, height // 8, width // 8, y_position // 8, x_position // 8)
                position_params_batch[i].append(position_param)  # Append position_param to the correct sublist
                print("x ",x_position, "y ", y_position)
            prev = []
            if "gligen" in n[1]:
                prev = n[1]['gligen'][2]
                prev = [[] for _ in range(batch_size)]
            # Concatenate prev and position_params_batch, ensuring both are lists of lists
            # and each sublist corresponds to a batch item
            combined_position_params = [prev_item + batch_item for prev_item, batch_item in zip(prev, position_params_batch)]
            n[1]['gligen'] = ("position", gligen_textbox_model, combined_position_params)

        return (c, plot_image_tensor,)