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BuildColorRangeHSV (hsv)


  • Class name: BuildColorRangeHSV (hsv)
  • Category: Bmad/CV/Color A.
  • Output node: False

This node is designed to establish a range of HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) colors based on provided samples and modifiers. It dynamically adjusts color bounds and determines the hue adjustment mode necessary for constructing a precise color range.

Input types


  • samples
    • Represents the HSV color samples from which the color range is derived. These samples are crucial for determining the median or average values around which the color range is constructed.
    • Comfy dtype: HSV_SAMPLES
    • Python dtype: HSV_Samples
  • percentage_modifier
    • A modifier that influences the size of the color range. It adjusts the bounds based on a percentage, affecting how broad or narrow the resulting color range will be.
    • Comfy dtype: INT
    • Python dtype: int
  • interval_type
    • Specifies the method used to calculate the color range interval. This choice dictates how the bounds are adjusted, impacting the final color range.
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Python dtype: str

Output types

  • hsv_color
    • Comfy dtype: HSV_COLOR
    • The output is a tuple containing the adjusted upper and lower bounds of the HSV color range.
    • Python dtype: Tuple[Tuple[int, int, int], Tuple[int, int, int]]
  • combo[string]
    • Comfy dtype: COMBO[STRING]
    • Indicates the hue mode determined for the range construction, which affects how the hue is processed in the color range.
    • Python dtype: str

Usage tips

  • Infra type: CPU
  • Common nodes: unknown

Source code

class BuildColorRangeHSV:
    def percentile(samples: HSV_Samples, percentage):
        value = percentage / 100 / 2
        bounds = {}
        bounds["h"] = samples.h_quant2(.5 - value, .5 + value)
        bounds["s"] = samples.s_quant2(.5 - value, .5 + value)
        bounds["v"] = samples.v_quant2(.5 - value, .5 + value)
        return bounds

    def avg_3maxdev(samples: HSV_Samples, percentage):
        value = percentage / 100
        bounds = {}
        bounds["h"] = [samples.h_avg - samples.h_max_dev * 3 * value, samples.h_avg + samples.h_max_dev * 3 * value]
        bounds["s"] = [samples.s_avg - samples.s_max_dev * 3 * value, samples.s_avg + samples.s_max_dev * 3 * value]
        bounds["v"] = [samples.v_avg - samples.v_max_dev * 3 * value, samples.v_avg + samples.v_max_dev * 3 * value]
        return bounds

    def avg_2stddev(samples: HSV_Samples, percentage):
        value = percentage / 100
        bounds = {}
        bounds["h"] = [samples.h_avg - samples.h_std_dev * 2 * value, samples.h_avg + samples.h_std_dev * 2 * value]
        bounds["s"] = [samples.s_avg - samples.s_std_dev * 2 * value, samples.s_avg + samples.s_std_dev * 2 * value]
        bounds["v"] = [samples.v_avg - samples.v_std_dev * 2 * value, samples.v_avg + samples.v_std_dev * 2 * value]
        return bounds

    def median_interpolate(samples: HSV_Samples, percentage):
        value = percentage / 100
        bounds = {}
        bounds["h"] = Interval([samples.h_median, samples.h_median]).interpolate(value, [0, 179])
        bounds["s"] = Interval([samples.s_median, samples.s_median]).interpolate(value, [0, 255])
        bounds["v"] = Interval([samples.v_median, samples.v_median]).interpolate(value, [0, 255])
        return bounds

    interval_modes_map = {
        "median to extremes interpolation": median_interpolate,
        "average +- 3x max deviation": avg_3maxdev,
        "average +- 2x standard deviation": avg_2stddev,
        "sample percentage centered at median": percentile,
    interval_modes = list(interval_modes_map.keys())

    def INPUT_TYPES(s):
        return {"required": {
            "samples": ("HSV_SAMPLES",),
            "percentage_modifier": ("INT", {"default": 50, "min": 1, "max": 100}),
            "interval_type": (s.interval_modes, s.interval_modes[0]),

    RETURN_TYPES = ("HSV_COLOR", "HSV_COLOR", InRangeHSV.hue_modes)
    FUNCTION = "get_interval"
    CATEGORY = "Bmad/CV/Color A."

    def get_interval(self, samples, percentage_modifier, interval_type):
        bounds = self.interval_modes_map[interval_type](samples, percentage_modifier)
        lower_bounds = np.array([bounds.get("h")[0], bounds.get("s")[0], bounds.get("v")[0]]).round()
        upper_bounds = np.array([bounds.get("h")[1], bounds.get("s")[1], bounds.get("v")[1]]).round()
        hue_mode = BuildColorRangeHSV.fix_bounds(lower_bounds, upper_bounds)
        return (upper_bounds, lower_bounds, hue_mode)

    def fix_bounds(lower_bounds, upper_bounds):
        # force hue bounds if interval >= 180
        interval_contains_zero = lower_bounds[0] <= 0  # example case: [-2, 2] includes the zero, but diff = 4
        if upper_bounds[0] - lower_bounds[0] >= (179 if interval_contains_zero else 180):
            lower_bounds[0] = 0
            upper_bounds[0] = 179  # note: return a color that exists, thus 179
        # check if hue needs to be split into 2 intervals when using inRange
        # note: 180 means zero is included, a one value split
        hue_mode = InRangeHSV.HUE_MODE_SPLIT \
            if lower_bounds[0] < 0 or upper_bounds[0] >= 180 \
            else InRangeHSV.HUE_MODE_SINGLE
        # correct hue bounds to [0, 180[
        lower_bounds[0] = (lower_bounds[0] + 180) % 180
        upper_bounds[0] = upper_bounds[0] % 180
        # clamp saturation and value limits to return actual colors in the outputs
        lower_bounds[1] = max(lower_bounds[1], 0)
        lower_bounds[2] = max(lower_bounds[2], 0)
        upper_bounds[1] = min(upper_bounds[1], 255)
        upper_bounds[2] = min(upper_bounds[2], 255)
        return hue_mode